
被动式建筑供热供冷系统的控制 被引量:1

Control of Passive Building Heating and Cooling System:An Overview
摘要 随着全球能源消耗与地球变暖,使用被动式系统对建筑进行供热与供冷的做法逐渐受到关注。为实现对系统的最优控制,现代的商用被动式系统常常会配备控制设备和自动控制器。然而,由于外界环境参数变化速度极快,被动式系统易受其影响,因此对被动式系统进行控制较为困难。并且,被动式系统常常与主动式系统和其他被动式系统同时协同工作,这使得对系统的控制变得较为复杂。先前,对此方面的大部分研究均着重于分析被动式系统的设计,而尚未有研究者对被动式系统的运行方面的问题做出研究。因此,为研究现存被动式系统的控制机制,阐明了目前被动式系统的应用障碍和有关被动式系统的新研究方向。 Driven by the increasing concern of global warming and depletion of energy resources,the use of passive systems for building space heating and cooling is getting more and more attention. Modern commercial passive systems are often equipped with control devices and automatic controllers,so that the system can operate in an optimal condition. However,control of passive systems is difficult due to several reasons. Passive system is strongly dependent on external environment conditions,which change rapidly in the order of seconds. The complexity of control is further increased as passive system is typically used simultaneously with active systems or other passive systems. While previous reviews about passive systems mostly focus on the design of passive system,a review on the operational issues has not been found.Therefore,the paper reviews the current status of passive system,focusing on their control mechanisms. It is hoped that current application barriers and new research directions of passive systems can be identified through this review.
作者 郑明明 裘舒年 杨光 李铮伟 ZHENG Ming-ming;QIU Shu-nian;YANG Guang;LI Zheng-wei(Logistics Management Department, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, Shandong, China;Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)
出处 《建筑节能》 CAS 2018年第5期153-158,共6页 BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY
基金 上海市浦江人才计划(15PJ1408100) 世界银行全球环境基金会(中国城市中的建筑节能及新能源应用项目)(-A-CS-)
关键词 被动式系统 建筑供暖 建筑供冷 自动控制 passive system building heating building cooling automatic control
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