
高寒阴湿区鲜食春蚕豆赤斑病的发生与防治 被引量:2

Occurrence and Prevention of Chocolate Spot on Fresh-eating Spring Faba Bean in Chilling and Humid Region of High Elevation
摘要 针对高寒阴湿区鲜食春蚕豆赤斑病为害严重,造成豆粒秕瘦、产量下降、品质变差等问题,从田间症状、病原菌、发病规律等方面介绍了鲜食春蚕豆赤斑病的发生特点,并制定了相应的综合防治措施,如选择优良品种;精细处理种子;精选地块,轮作倒茬;增施有机肥,补施磷钾肥;适时早播,合理密植;加强田间管理,培育健壮植株;加强测报,药剂防治等。 Chocolate spot harmed seriously the fresh-eating spring faba bean in chilling and humid region of high elevation, which caused some problems, such as thin husks of the grains, the yield declined and the quality changed poor and so on. The characteristics of the chocolate spot of fresh-eating spring faba bean were introduced from the aspects of field symptoms, pathogen, regularity of disease and so on. The comprehensive prevention and control measures were formulated, such as selecting good cultivars, fine processing seeds, selecting blocksand crop rotation, increasing organic fertilizer and supplementing phosphorus potassium, sowing timely and rational dense planting, strengthening management of field and cultivating healthy plants, enhancing forecast and chemical control and so on.
作者 仲彩萍 孙新荣 漆文选 杜立和 ZHONG Caiping, SUN Xinrong, QI Wenxuan,(Weiyuan Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Weiyuan DU Lihe 748200, Chin)
出处 《蔬菜》 2018年第5期52-54,共3页 Vegetables
关键词 高寒阴湿区 鲜食春蚕豆 赤斑病 综合防控 Chilling and humid region of high elevation Fresh-eating spring faba bean Chocolate spot Comprehensive prevention
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