
论全面从严治党的经济伦理之维 被引量:4

On the Dimension of Economic Ethics about Full and Rigorous Governance over the Party
摘要 全面从严治党的经济伦理之维,就是中国共产党作为执政党要求其成员在市场经济下利益取舍和行为评判中必须遵循的价值观念标准和道德准则。全面从严治党中最关键的维度是如何防止和遏制广大党员尤其是党的各级领导干部的经济伦理观念的蜕化变质。这一方面是因为柏拉图早就揭示出:经济伦理的蜕变必然导致社会整体道德退化、正义的政体向非正义的政体变异,在现代社会中,廉洁为公被公认为执政正义的最基本原则,当权者经济伦理的蜕化变质必然背离了代表人民主持正义的道德底线;另一方面是因为,新中国在改革开放以前的历史证明,用柏拉图式的治理方式来防止党员的经济伦理蜕变会让我们付出沉痛的代价。因此,市场经济下全面从严治党经济伦理之维的切入点是:首先,要教育广大党员廉洁和为公是正确的经济伦理观的最基本道德底线,尤其是要确保党的干部确立正确的经济伦理观;第二,要敢于"亮剑",从根本上限制和减少各级领导干部的自由裁量权;第三,全面从严治党,绝不是以排斥和否认市场经济为手段、以重建柏拉图式的理想国为目的,而是必须以加强法治和党内规章制度建设为手段。 This article believes that economic ethics about full and rigorous governance over the Party is demonstrating the value standards and moral principles that the Communist Party of China as the ruling party requires members who are balancing profit and loss and making value judge must be complied in the market economy. The most critical dimension of full and rigorous governance over the Party is how to prevent and depress the deterioration of the economic ethics of the Party members, especially the Party leading cadres at each level. Not only Plato has revealed that the deterioration of economic ethics will inevitably lead to the degeneration of the overall morality of society and the deterioration from a just government to an unjust government. In a modern society, honesty and publicity are recognized as the basic principle of governing justice. The deterioration of the economic ethics of people in power will inevitably infringe the moral bottom line of representing general public in presiding over justice. But there is also evidence that using Plato's governance to prevent Party members from deterioration of economic ethics will lead to heavy loss since prior to New China reforming and opening-up history. Therefore, the starting point of dimension of economic ethics about full and rigorous governance over the Party in market economy should include following principles. First, it is necessary to educate the Party members that honesty and justice are the most fundamental moral bottom line of the correct economic ethics, especially to ensure that the core cadre of Party has firmly established the correct view of economic ethics. Secondly, "taking the challenge", it is necessary to restrictions and reduces the discretionary power of leading cadres at each levels fundamentally. Thirdly, it is through raising law and Party constitution and regulation, rather through exclude and deny the market economy and rebuild as mean as an ideal state of Plato, to achieve exercising full and rigorous governance over the Party.
作者 乔洪武 邓钺 Qiao Hongwu , Deng Yue(Wuhan Universit)
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期127-134,共8页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(13&ZD0037)
关键词 从严治党 柏拉图 经济伦理 执政正义 rigorous governance over the Party Plato economic ethics governing justice
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