
美国外国投资国家安全审查制度解析与应对 被引量:10

Analysis of the United States’ National Security Review System in Foreign Investment and China’s Countermeasures
摘要 美国外国投资国家安全审查制度变迁大致经历了以分散式立法为主的萌芽阶段、以相对集中式立法为主的形成阶段和以专门立法为主的成熟阶段,呈现出审查机构权力不断扩大、审查对象和标准不断拓宽、审查程序不断细化、审查监督不断增强的发展趋势,并导致了审查目的异化、审查权力滥用、审查监督失序的后果。为了维护中国的海外投资利益,一方面中国要修订外国投资国家安全审查制度,另一方面中国企业亦要遵循事前风险防控、事中加强沟通、事后总结经验的策略,双管齐下地应对美国国家安全审查。 The changing regime of the United States' national security review system in foreign investment has experienced through the budding stage based on a series of single laws,the formative stage focused on clauses related to national security review,and the mature stage based on specialized fields in laws. The above changes show that Committee on Foreign Investment in the U. S.( CFIUS) jurisdictions are expanding,review objects and standards are broadening,review procedures are increasing,and review monitoring mechanism is fostering. Consequently,it has brought forth the heterization of the review aim,abuse of CFIUS jurisdiction,and out of order in review monitoring mechanism. In order to protect the interests of Chinese overseas investment,on the one hand,China shall revise its national security review system in foreign investment. On the other hand,Chinese enterprises shall follow the strategy of preventing and controlling risk before the event,enhancing communication in the event and summarizing experience after the event. Only in this way can China and Chinese enterprises effectively respond to the United States' national security review system in foreign investment.
作者 陈云东 冯纯纯 CHEN Yun-dong 1, FENG Chun-chun2(1. School of Law, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China; 2. School of Public Management, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, Chin)
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期104-112,共9页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 美国CFIUS审查 立法变迁 中国赴美投资 the United State /s CFIUS review legislative changes Chinese investment in theUnited States
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