

Study of the Construction Optimization of Sponge City Based on Realistic Predicament
摘要 目前,国内海绵城市建设过程中存在不少问题:诸如海绵城市专项规划编制缺少反馈机制;建设方案落实困难及超标雨水径流排放系统的构建不受重视等.笔者仅就上述海绵城市建设面临的问题提出相应的对策和方法,并以济南市兴隆片区渗漏带保护专题研究为例,具体阐述现实困境下的海绵城市建设优化途径,以期为我国未来海绵城市的建设提供参照. At present, there are many problems and misunderstandings of the construction of sponge city in china, such as the lack of feedback mechanism of special planning of sponge city; construction scheme implementation difficulties and the construction of excessive rainwater runoff drainage system which are not valued by people. The paper puts forward some countermeasures and methods for the problems faced in the construction of sponge city, and takes the Jinan Xinglong area leakage zone protection research as an example, and expounds the optimized way of sponge city construction under the realistic predicament with aim of providing reference significance for the construction of sponge city as well as the development of new urban planning path in China.
作者 杜红杰 李津莉 仝贺 DU Hongjie1, LI Jinli1,2, TONG He3(1. Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin300384, China; 2. Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 3. Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, Chin)
出处 《天津城建大学学报》 2018年第2期134-139,共6页 Journal of Tianjin Chengjian University
基金 北京市社会科学基金(15JGB052)
关键词 海绵城市 现实困境 低影响开发 兴隆 sponge city realistic predicament low impact development Xinglong area
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