The world today is on the occasion of a large development,revolution and adjustment.The artificial intelligence,big data,cloud computing and the Internet as a representative of the fourth wave has swept across all fields of science and technology.The maritime industry is also in a new round of adjustment of technological change and international rules.On April 13,2018,General Secretary Xi Jinping officially announced that the Party central committee would support the construction of Hainan free trade zone after having set up Hainan as a province and special economic zone in 1988 and the international tourism island construction in 2009,which rose for national strategy.Hainan is facing the third big opportunity of the leapfrog development,which puts forward new requirements to her development.Based on its own unique advantages,we can seize the triple opportunities of institutional change,technological change and pattern adjustment,and make Hainan a new high ground for modern maritime service agglomeration.With the development of Hainan free trade zone and the construction of free trade port with Chinese characteristics,Hainan will develop into one of the most open areas in China.
Maritime China