
宋元时期龙泉青瓷双鱼洗探微 被引量:1

The Longquan Celadon Dishes Fir ed in Song and Yuan Dynasty with Double-Fish as Motif
摘要 龙泉窑是宋元时期最著名的窑系之一,该时期的龙泉青瓷在青瓷制瓷史上达到了一个美学高峰。龙泉青瓷双鱼洗是宋元时期龙泉窑的量产典型器物,也是该时期文化的一个缩影。龙泉青瓷双鱼洗在纹样装饰工艺上,有刻划、模印、雕刻、贴塑工艺,在胎釉结合装饰工艺上,早期胎质疏松、厚重,釉质淡青,薄釉,后期胎质紧实细腻,釉质玉质感强,厚釉。宋元时期龙泉青瓷双鱼洗所蕴含的美学价值与文化价值彰显了当时文人士大夫阶层的生活习俗与审美情趣,也折射了宋代崇道尚青的美学思想。 Longquan kiln is one of the most famous kilns of China during the Song and Yuan dynasties.The celadon wares fired in these two historical periods reached an aesthetic peak in the history of Longquan celadon. The celadon dishes with double-fish as their motif is a typical ware of mass-production as well as the cultural epitome of the periods. In terms of the decoration crafts,there existed engraving,stamping,carving,moulding and cementing. The celadon wares fired at the early period of these two historical periods are thick and fragile with yellowish and thin glaze. The celadon wares fired at the latter period are solid and fine with jade-like thick glaze. The aesthetic and cultural value embodied in the Longquan celadon dishes fired in the Song and Yuan dynasties with double-fish as motif highlights the life style,customs and aesthetic taste of the officials and the scholars at that time,and also reflects the aesthetic idea of the Song dynasty,that is, advocating Taoism and blue green color.
作者 季雨林 JI Yulin(Faculty of China Celadon,Lishui University, Lishui 323000, Zhejian)
出处 《丽水学院学报》 2018年第3期60-66,共7页 Journal of Lishui University
关键词 龙泉青瓷 双鱼洗 装饰工艺 Longquan celadon dish with double-fish as motif decoration craft
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