复杂零件特征实体上的相交特征自动识别问题 ,仍是CAD/CAPP领域未解决的难点。本文提出了基于特征实体模型上的截面轮廓造型自动特征识别方法 ,并制定了一系列各类特征的合理识别规则和识别算法。这种方法探索了一条实现自动特征识别的新途径 ,实现了对复杂箱体类零件的加工特征自动识别与信息自动提取 ,从而实现了CAD/CAPP系统的信息自动传递。
It is an unresolved difficult problem on CAD/CAPP field that intersection features are automatic recognized from complex feature entity model. In this paper, it proposed a new approach that intersection features are automatic recognized from a feature-based entity design model by cross-sectional profile. It gave many recognition rules and algorithms about different features. Based on this method, a new way to realize feature recognition was used. It realizing that feature information is transferred CAD system to CAPP system.
"九五"国防预先研究课题 ( 73.2 .1.2 )~~