
孤独谱系障碍患儿情绪能力及其相关因素研究 被引量:2

Emotional competence and related research of children with autism spectrum disorder
摘要 目的:对比分析孤独谱系障碍(ASD)与正常儿童(TD)两组儿童情绪能力特征,并探讨其情绪能力特征与其面部表情识别正确率之间的相关性。方法:对31例符合美国精神障碍诊断和统计手册第5版(DSM-Ⅴ)诊断标准的ASD患儿和30例年龄、性别及智商匹配的正常儿童对照组,使用3—6岁儿童情绪能力量表评定两组儿童的情绪能力,并使用面部表情识别任务测试情绪识别能力。结果:两组儿童对情绪觉察辨识、情绪理解、情绪表达、情绪调节等情绪能力差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);情绪察觉辨识、情绪理解、情绪表达、情绪调节与智商、表情识别正确率存在显著正相关(P<0.05);儿童情绪能力与其年龄相关不显著(P>0.05)。结论:与正常儿童相比,ASD患儿情绪察觉辨识、情绪理解、情绪表达、情绪调节等情绪能力较低,且其智力水平、对表情识别能力可正向预测其情绪能力。 Objective: To analyze the characteristics of emotional competence of normal children (TD) and children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and to explore the correlation between emotional characteristics and correctness of facial expression recognition. Method: A total of 31 ASD patients, aged 3-6 years, who met the diagnostic criteria for DSM-Ⅴ (DSM-Ⅴ) and 30 normal sex and IQ matched children were enrolled. The emotional competence of young children was used to assess the emotional abilities of the two groups, and the facial expression recognition task to test the emotional recognition ability. Result: There were significant differences in mood perception, emotional comprehension, emotional expression and emotional adjustment between the two groups (P〈0.05). There were a significant correlation between the emotional cognition, emotional comprehension, emotional expression, emotional regulation and IQ (P〈0.05). There was no significant correlation between the emotional competence and the age of the children (P〉0.05). Conclusion: Comparing with typical developed children, ASD children's emotional awareness, emotional comprehension, emotional expression, emotional regulation and other emotional competence is poorer, and their intelligence level, ability to express emotions can predict their emotional ability.
作者 肖运华 曾海辉 苏文婷 杨小琴 曾侠一 罗秋燕 XIAO Yunhua, ZENG Haihui, SU Wenting, et al(Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, No. 82 South Road,51051)
出处 《中国康复医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期535-538,共4页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
基金 广州市越秀区科技局项目(2016-WS-002)
关键词 孤独谱系障碍 儿童 情绪能力 autism spectrum disorder children emotional competence
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