
亚热带米老排和杉木细根分解过程中养分与微生物群落组成的变化 被引量:3

Dynamics of nutrient concentration and microbial community composition during fine root decomposition in subtropical Mytilaria laosensis and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations
摘要 对福建南平峡阳林场19年生米老排和杉木人工林的细根进行为期12个月的分解试验,研究不同树种分解过程中养分和微生物群落组成的动态变化,为理解亚热带不同人工林树种地下养分循环过程提供科学依据.结果表明:米老排细根养分磷(P)、钾(K)初始含量显著高于杉木.分解过程中,两个树种细根P、K含量均显著降低,而细根氮(N)含量显著增加,且杉木细根N含量变化滞后于米老排.在分解过程中,杉木细根镁(Mg)含量无显著变化;米老排细根Mg含量变化显著,且在分解8个月时显著小于杉木.在分解过程中,真菌与细菌比值均显著表现为先升高后降低,且分解12个月时米老排细根真菌/细菌显著高于杉木.冗余分析表明,N(解释37.2%)、K(解释14.5%)含量和C/N(解释14.8%)是影响杉木细根分解过程中微生物群落组成变化的主要养分因子,而Mg(解释35.9%)和K(解释17.6%)含量则是米老排细根分解时影响微生物群落组成的主要养分因子.研究表明,在不同树种中,除了N之外,Mg等其他养分元素也可能是影响根系分解的重要因子. We conducted a 12-month fine root decomposition experiment under 19-year-old Mytilaria laosensis and Cunninghamia lanceolate plantations to explore the dynamics of nutrient concentration and microbial community composition. The aim of this study was to provide insights into nutrient cycling under plantations with different tree species. Our results showed that the initial concentrations of phosphorus(P) and potassium(K) were significantly higher in the fine root of M. laosensis than those in C. lanceolata,which significantly decreased with decomposition. Nitrogen(N) concentration in fine roots of both species increased with decay time. The variation of N concentration in fine root of C. lanceolata lagged behind that in M. laosensis. During the decomposition,magnesium(Mg) concentration in fine root of C. lanceolata showed no significant changes,but that of M. laosensis decreased at the initial decay stage and increased thereafter and was significantly lower than that of C. lanceolata at the 8 th month. The ratio of fungi to bacteria(F/B) of both species decreased at the initial stage and then increased,with significantly higher F/B in fine root of M.laosensis than that of C. lanceolate after one-year decay. Redundancy analysis(RDA) showed that changes in N and K concentrations and C/N ratio explained 37.2%,14.5% and 14.8% of the variations in microbial community composition of C. lanceolata fine root respectively. However,during the decay of M. laosensis fine root,concentrations of Mg and K were key factors,accounting for35.9% and 17.6% of the variations in microbial community composition,respectively. We concluded that other nutrients beyond N,such as Mg,might also be an important factor affecting root decomposition in different tree species.
作者 陈雅敏 余再鹏 王民煌 万晓华 刘瑞强 桑昌鹏 宋蒙亚 熊佳 CHEN Ya-min1'2, YU Zai-peng1'2, WANG Min-huang1'2, WAN Xiao-hua1'2. , LIU Rui-qiang3, SANG Chang-peng1'2, SONG Meng-ya1'2, XIONG Jia1'2(l Cultivation Base of State Key Laboratory of Humid Subtropical Mountain Ecology, Fuzhou 350007, China; 2School of Geographical Science, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China; 3School of Ecological and Environmental Sci- ences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China)
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期1635-1644,共10页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31600495 41371269 31570604) 国家重大科学研究计划项目(2014CB954003)资助~~
关键词 细根分解 氮含量 镁含量 微生物群落组成 fine root decomposition nitrogen concentration magnesium concentration microbialcommunity composition.
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