

Several Questions about West Lake Collection Ⅱ
摘要 《西湖二集》之前有《西湖一集》,已佚。《西湖一集》与《西湖二集》先后编成,总称《西湖小说》。《西湖一集》不可能是《西湖游览志余》。作者"周清源"或作"周清原",以作"周楫"或"周清源"为宜。周清源受其师虞德园佞佛影响较大。《西湖二集》以故为新,其价值主要在有作者思想与情感的自觉投注:一是惩恶扬善的意图;二是"骂世"的态度。前者为普通人说法的金玉良言;后者既见作者"狂士"的性格,又开后世以小说"骂世"之先河,某些描写如"胡少保平倭"等客观地显示了历史的真实性。其叙事模式和手法较宋元话本有若干变化,如"入话"即"引子"或"头回"不拘一格,插入诗文数量与种类更加丰富,频引《西游记》《水浒传》等小说戏曲作品,以及以学问入通俗小说等。 Before West Lake Collection II( Xihu Er Ji) there existed West Lake Collection I( Xihu Yi Ji),which was already lost. West Lake Collection I and West Lake Collection II compiled successively,were collectively called West Lake Novels. West Lake Collection I cannot be the West Lake Travel Notes(Xihu Youlan Zhiyu). The author "周清源"( Zhou Qingyuan) is also written as "周清原"( Zhou Qingyuan),but "周楫"( Zhou Ji) or "周清源"( Zhou Qingyuan) is advisable. Zhou Qingyuan was greatly influenced by his teacher Yu Deyuan( 虞德园) who worshiped Buddha piously. In reviewing the old work West Lake Collection II from a new perspective,its value mainly comes from the conscious investment of the author 's thoughts and feelings: one is his intention to punish evil-doers and encourage people to do good,and the other is his attitude of "scolding the world ". The former is invaluable advice for ordinary people while the latter exemplifies the author's character of a "maniac scholar",pioneering the novels of "scolding the world"for the later generations. Some descriptions,such as in Shaobao Hu quelling the Japanese pirates,objectively reveal the truth of the history. In addition,his narrative patterns and techniques have some variations from Song-Yuan scripts: such as using "introductory remarks"as "opening words( introduction) ",his "first episode"following no set patterns,his narration enriched by the number and variety of the inserted poems,frequently citing Pilgrimage to the West,Water Margin and other novels or theatrical works,and bringing knowledge into popular fiction.
作者 杜贵晨 Du Guichen(School Of Liberal Arts, Shandong Normal University, Jinan Shandong, 25001)
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期26-33,共8页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 《西湖一集》 《西湖二集》 《西湖小说》 周清源 West Lake Collection Ⅰ(Xihu Yi Ji) West Lake Collection Ⅱ(Xihu Er Ji) West LakeNovels Zhou Qingyuan
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  • 1陈国军.《西湖二集》叙事品格的生成[J].武警学院学报,2006,22(2):79-82. 被引量:1
  • 2阿英《关于两位小说作家》,载《小说三谈》,上海古籍出版社1985年版,第177页.
  • 3光绪《武进阳湖合志》,光绪十二年(1886)刊本.
  • 4《清圣祖实录》卷七十一,中华书局1985年影印本,《清实录》第4910页.
  • 5清·蒋良骐《东华录》卷十一,中华书局1980年标点本,第186页.
  • 6清·李集、李富孙、李遇孙《鹤征录》卷一,《四库未收书辑刊》影印嘉庆十五年(1810)刊本,北京出版社2000年版,第2辑第23册,第571页.
  • 7清·法式善《清秘述闻》卷十,中华书局1982年标点本,第331页.
  • 8清·毛奇龄《西河集》卷三十八,文津阁《四库全书》,商务印书馆2005年影印本,集部第441册,第676-677页.
  • 9《清史列传》卷六十八,中华书局1987年标点本,第17册,第5457页.
  • 10《清史稿》卷四八一,中华书局1977年标点本,第43册,第13176页.









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