

Research on the Spatial Pattern and Determinants of Software Industry in China
摘要 本文利用ArcGIS13.0对比分析了2010年和2015年我国分省区软件产业业务收入和软件产业企业个数,探索我国软件产业发展的空间格局及演化特征。研究发现我国软件产业空间分布存在明显不均衡性特点,高度集聚在东部沿海的长江三角洲、环渤海地区和珠江三角洲三大经济区。对比“十一五”和“十二五”规划末软件产业收入数据,发现软件产业空间格局发生一定程度变化,长江三角洲有加速增长趋势、环渤海地区增速减缓。西部地区陕西和四川增长趋势突出:分析软件企业数发现江苏省超越北京市和广东省成为软件产业快速集聚区。采用SPSS17.0软件.对2015年数据进行回归分析.并与毕秀晶等的研究结果进行比较。发现创新能力和政府政策支持是目前影响我国软件产业空间格局的最主要因索,基础要素供给能力与经济发展水平及外向度对软件产业空间发展影响力降低。 This article contributes to explore the spatial pattern evolution and determinants of Chinese software industry. ArcGIS 13.0 is used to make spatial analysis based on the date of the revenue and the firmnumber of software industry, and a comparative analysis between the year of 2010 and 2015 is made to explore the evolutionary characteristics. There are some findings: firstly, the spatial distribution of software industry in China is obviously unbalanced, and is highly concentrated in the three major economic zones, namely, the Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai rim region and the Pearl River Delta region on the eastern coast. Secondly, during 5 years, the spatial pattern is changed to a certain extent. For example, the Yangtze River Delta has accelerated growth trend and the growth rate in Bohai rim has slowed down. Meanwhile. the growth trend of Shanxi and Sichuan in the west region is obvious. Thirdly, analyzing the data of firm-number, this article finds that Jiangsu Province has become the fastest gathering area of software industry, surpassing Beijing and Guangdong. This article also uses SPSS17.0 to examine the determinant factors affecting the spatial pattern of Chinese software industry. The result of regression model shows that the regional innovation ability and government policies become the most important factors rather than the supply ability of basic factors, the level of economic development and extraversion.
作者 吴凡 吴予晗 徐海英 WU Fan1, WU Yu-han2, XU Hai-ying2(1.School of Water Conservancy & Civil Engineering ,Northeast Agricultural University, 150030,Harbin ,Heilongjiang, China; 2.School of Urban and Environmental Science, Huaiyin Normal University,223300,Huaian, Jiangsu, Cbin)
出处 《特区经济》 2018年第4期80-84,共5页 Special Zone Economy
基金 国家自然科学基金(41371136):全球生产网络与区域发展战略耦合机制和调控研究.
关键词 软件产业 空间格局演化 影响因素 software industry spatial pattern determinant factors
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