

Establishment of The Shared Future and International Experience in ASEAN Sub-regional Economic Cooperation
摘要 分析次区域经济合作的重要案例——澜湄安全合作的现状,发现在以东盟地区合作为平台的各类机制中,东盟区域论坛(ARF)与亚太经合组织(APEC)发展得相对成熟,然而东盟区域论坛虽然以"FORUM"冠名,实则是东盟"10+3"的衍生物和升级版,并非真正意义上的论坛。认为区域合作与构建亚洲命运共同体、大力推动各区域组织的横向合作和互动已经成为东盟区各国的必然选择,构建亚洲、尤其是东南亚命运共同体,是推动东盟区域合作包括东盟域内次区域经济合作的重要途径。 The bilateral economic and trade cooperation between The sub-regional economical cooperation between China and ASEAN is an important platform for the Belt and Road Initiative in terms of South-Central Peninsula economical corridor and BCIM economical corridor,but also a necessary trade channel.In the process of development of nearly about twenty years in the cooperation mechanism of Lancang Mekong area gradually differentiate into multiple mechanisms including the Lancang Mekong sub-regional economic cooperation,GMS and the ASEAN Mekong basin development cooperation,on the former one,because of the Chinese actively involved in promoting more with international influence.This brings about the Shared future for Southeast Asia.
作者 张屹 Zhang Yi(Institute of Asia and Pacific,China Institute of International Studies,Beijing 100005,China)
出处 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2018年第2期85-88,共4页 Journal of Hengyang Normal University
关键词 命运共同体 东盟 次区域经济合作 孟中印缅经济走廊 国际航道 shared future ASEAN sub regional economic cooperation Bangladesh China India and Burma economic corridor international waterway
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