

Textual Criticism and Discussion on Ma Chuangeng's Selection and Exegesis of the Six Dynasties and Tang Fu
摘要 浙江会稽马氏为清代后期文化家族,咸同年间人马传庚注重学术经世,其《选注六朝唐赋》继《选》赋之后录六朝及唐赋40篇,选目精简,以便家塾及"乡僻寒素"购买使用;而专选六朝及唐赋,体现出古律融合之赋学观,正是馆阁赋风的辐射。马氏以此教导普通士子,企图通过赋学的复兴重整战乱之后江浙的文化生态,为馆阁翰苑提供人才。出于这一目的,对所选之赋精心注释,体例鲜明。书成之后,马氏之子家芬又遍求馆中精楷书者各录一赋,将馆阁楷法传播天下,将习赋与学书结合。在科举注重字体的清代后期,这部赋选还以传播"木天楷则"获得极高的关注度。 In the late qing dynasty, the Ma family, living in Kuaiji, Zhejiang province, is a scholarly family.Ma Chuangeng, who lived in the times of Xianfeng and Tongzhi periods, pays attention to using academic administer affairs. His Selection and Exegesis of the Six Dynasties and Tang Fu includes 40 Fu works.The list of his selected articles is brief, so that the family school and the poor scholars can buy and use conveniently. His literary view, which integrates a form of pre-Tang Fu and regulated Fu,is influenced by National Academy. He taught students in such way and aimed to reforming the cultural ecology of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces after the war and provide talent support for National Academy. He commented the selected Fu works carefully for this purpose. After the book's creation, Ma Jiafen, who is son of Ma Chuangeng, asked the masters of regular script to write the Fu works. So that, the regular script law of National Academy was widely spread. Meanwhile, Ci Fu creation is related to calligraphy practice by his efforts. The imperial competitive examination attached great importance to the font in the late Qing Dynasty, and this anthology won high attention in this period due to the fact that it spreaded the rule of regular script of Mu Tian.
作者 潘务正 PAN Wu-zheng(Chinese Poetry Research Center, Anhui Normal University, Wiihu 241000, China)
出处 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第3期25-33,共9页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(17ZDA249):辞赋艺术文献整理与研究
关键词 马传庚 《选注六朝唐赋》 注释 书赋 Ma Chuangeng Selection and Exegesis of the Six Dynasties and Tang Fu exegesis calligraphy of Fu
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