
基于CDN的职业教育视频资源库缓存优化 被引量:2

Optimization of video resource repository cache in vocational education based on CDN
摘要 为了尽量降低职业教育视频被点播所带来的网络延迟问题,校园网络管理者借助网络运营商,通常以构建内容分发网络(CDN)作为网络加速方案。其中分层视频编码策略作为CDN配套方案的一种新策略,能够使得视频通过不同层面的缓存系统各自实现媒体信息储存,提高了视频流的编解码效率。将视频解码系统的配置缓存结构与算法中的多选择背包问题结合,令其简化为一个多项式时间内可求解的问题。通过实验的数据结果显示,与常见的缓存策略比较,此算法平均缩短了25%的延迟时间。 In order to minimize the network delay caused by video on demand in vocational education,campus network managers usually use the network operators to build content distribution network( CDN)as a network acceleration scheme. Layered video coding strategy,as a new strategy of CDN supporting scheme,can make video storage of media information through different layers of cache system,and improve the encoding and decoding efficiency of video stream. Combining the configuration cache structure of the video decoding system with the multiple choice knapsack problem in the algorithm,it can be reduced to a polynomial time solvable problem. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the average latency by 25% compared with the common cache policies.
作者 梁建胜 LIANG Jian-sheng(Information and Education Technology Center, Dongguan Polytechnic, Dongguan 523808, Guangdong Province, Chin)
出处 《信息技术》 2018年第5期22-25,29,共5页 Information Technology
基金 东莞市职业技术发展研究会"十三五"规划研究课题(DZH1718012)
关键词 网络结构与设计 内容分发网络 缓存结构设计 network structure and design content distribution network cache structure design
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