该文依据水文地质条件将三屯河流域平原区划分为单一结构潜水子系统、多层结构潜水—浅层承压水子系统和深层承压水子系统。通过氢氧稳定同位素、氚同位素和碳 - 14的测试数据 ,分析了各地下水子系统的环境同位素组成 ,并初步讨论了地下水系统的水循环特点。
In the paper, In accordance with hydrogeological conditions,groundwater of Santun River basin plain is divided into phreatic water subsystem with single-layer structure,phreatic water both of shallow confined groundwater subsystem and deep confined groundwater subsystem with multi-layer structures.By means of the tested data of Hydrogen-Oxygen stable isotope,and isotopes of tritium and Carbon-14,the environmental isotope components of various groundwater subsystems being analyzed,meanwhile,the circulatory characteristics of groundwater are discussed preliminarily.
Site Investigation Science and Technology
"九五"国家重点科技攻关项目 (96 -912 - 0 1- 0 3S)