[目的]从山葡萄北冰红中克隆耐寒基因COR413,并对其功能进行生物信息学分析。[方法]利用RT-PCR法克隆山葡萄北冰红基因COR413,并利用生物信息学对其进行分析。[结果]它包括630 bp完整的开放阅读框,推测编码210个氨基酸,蛋白的分子量(MW)为59.18 k D,等电点(p I)值为10.74。其蛋白结构以α-螺旋、延伸链为主,其次为无规则卷曲,β-转角所占比例最少,含有4个跨膜结构域。多重序列比对表明VvCOR413-I1与其他植物COR413的氨基酸序列相似性为63.00%~68.33%。[结论]该研究为深入了解VvCOR413-I1功能奠定了基础。
[Objective]The cold-tolerant gene COR413 was cloned from the Beibinghong Amur grape,and its function was inferred through bioinformatics analysis.[Method]The RT-PCR method was used to clone COR413,a cold-tolerant gene from the Beibinghong Amur grape,and its molecular characteristics were analyzed by bioinformatics to infer the function of COR413 gene.[Result]The ORF of COR413 was 630 bp and the deduced amino acid sequence was 230 amino acids. Furthermore,its protein had a MW of 59. 18 k D and an isoelectric point( pI) of 10. 74. The structure of the protein was dominated by α-helix and elongation chain,followed by random coil,the proportion of β-turn was the smallest,containing 4 transmembrane domains. Multiple sequence alignment showed that the amino acid sequence similarity of COR413 with other plants was63. 00% to 68. 33%.[Conclusion]The study laid the foundation for an in-depth understanding of VvCOR413-I1 function.
WANG Xue-juan(College of Life Science, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao,Inner Mongolia 02800)
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences