. In the past two years, under the severe strikes launched by the counter-terror forces led respectively by the US and Russia, the government forces of Syria and Iraq, and the Kurdish armed forces, the terrorist organization "IS" in the Middle East has suffered great losses in military strength, territories and revenues. In July of 2017, the "IS" lost Mosul in Iraq it had occupied, which marked the decline of the "IS" under heavy attacks. This terrorist organization is not yet demised, but now undergoing changes in organizational structure, tactics and terrorist means. The transformed "IS" will continue to diffuse extremist ideas, stage terrorist attacks and gain financial support by using network technology and social media. In addition, the spread of the "IS" combatants, the return of the transnational "jihadists", the widespread branches of the "IS" and a host of loyal groups will continue to pose threats to the security situation in the Middle East and the world. For this, the international community should strengthen collaboration in driving the remnants of the "IS" out of Syria and Iraq, assisting their post-war reconstruction, eliminating the soil on which the "IS" lives, and establishing the anti-"IS" international cooperation mechanism based on coordination among major powers, so as to crumble its global networks and do away with the threats of its re-rising.
Peace and Development