
2010-2015年常州市武进区慢性病患病及其危险因素流行情况分析 被引量:8

Prevalence of chronic diseases and risk factors in Wujin District of Changzhou City,2010-2015
摘要 目的了解常州市武进区主要慢性病及其相关危险因素的流行及进展情况,为制定慢性病防控相关政策及健康教育和干预对策提供依据。方法 2010、2012、2015年采用多阶段分层抽样的方法分别调查武进区18岁常住居民5 922、9 094和7 904人,共计22 920人,通过问卷调查人口学信息、生活方式、慢性病相关知识知晓情况等,体格测量检测身高、体重、腰围和血压,实验室检测空腹血糖、总胆固醇、甘油三酯和高/低密度脂蛋白胆固醇,对三次调查数据进行分析比较。结果标化后,2010、2012、2015年高血压标化患病率分别为27.1%、28.2%和30.7%,逐渐升高(χ_(趋势)~2=22.60,P<0.001);糖尿病标化患病率分别为6.1%、6.5%和7.8%,逐渐升高(χ_(趋势)~2=16.63,P<0.001);血脂异常标化后患病率分别为34.1%、37.4%和40.2%,逐渐升高(χ_(趋势)~2=53.70,P<0.001)。2010、2012、2015年吸烟率分别为25.6%、21.5%和23.4%,男性吸烟率分别为56.6%、53.8%和51.7%,呈逐渐下降趋势(χ_(趋势)~2=14.77,P=0.001);男女性饮酒率三年间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。超重率分别为33.9%、35.5%和33.8%;肥胖率分别为10.4%、12.0%和9.4%;中心型肥胖率分别为31.8%、32.9%和29.9%,超重及肥胖率三年比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。慢性病相关知识知晓率呈逐渐上升趋势(均P<0.001)。结论 2010-2015年常州市武进区慢性病预防控制在知晓率方面初见成效,但慢性病患病情况总体上尚处在较高水平,危险因素情况流行广泛,仍需进一步采取措施综合防控慢性病的发展。 Objective To investigate the prevalence of chronic diseases and related risk factors in Wujin District of Changzhou City,and to provide evidence for formulating chronic disease-related prevention and control policies,health education and intervention measures. Methods Multi-stage stratified sampling method was used to respectively select 5,922,9,094 and 7,904 permanent residents aged 18 years and above in Wujin District in 2010,2012 and 2015,and a total of 22,920 participants were cumulatively surveyed. Their demographic information,life style and awareness of chronic disease-related knowledge were investigated by questionnaires. Physical examinations were performed to measure their height,weight,waist circumference and blood pressure. Laboratory testings were conducted to determine the levels of fasting blood glucose,total cholesterol,triglyceride,lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol( LDL-C) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol( HDL-C). The data of the three surveys were analyzed and compared. Results The standardized prevalence rates of hypertension in 2010,2012 and 2015 were 27. 1%,28. 2% and 30.7% respectively,showing a gradually increasing tendency( χtendency^2= 22.60,P〈0.001). The standardized prevalence rates of diabetes were 6.1%,6.5% and 7.8% respectively,displaying a gradually increasing tendency( χtendency^2= 16.63,P〈0.001).The standardized prevalence rates of dyslipidemia were 34.1%,37.4% and 40.2% respectively,exhibiting a gradually increasing tendency( χtendency^2= 53.70,P〈0.001). The smoking rates in 2010,2012 and 2015 were 25.6%,21.5%,and 23.4% respectively.The smoking rates in males were 56. 6%,53. 8% and 51. 7% respectively,presenting a gradual decreasing tendency( χtendency^2=14. 77,P = 0.001). No statistically significant differences were found in the alcohol consumption rates in 2010,2012 and 2015 between males and females( P〈0.05). The prevalence rates of overweight were 33.9%,35.5% and 33.8% respectively. The prevalence rates of obesity were 10.4%,12.0% and 9.4% respectively. The prevalence rates of central obesity were 31.8%,32.9% and 29.9% respectively. Statistically significant differences were observed in the prevalence rates of overweight and obesity among the three years( P〈0.05). The awareness rates of chronic disease-related knowledge presented a gradually increasing tendency( all P〈0.01). Conclusions The awareness rates of chronic disease prevention and control among permanent residents aged 18 years and above in Wujin District of Changzhou City in 2010-2015 were gradually increased,but the prevalence of chronic diseases was still at a high level and the risk factors were rife. It is necessary to take measures to comprehensively prevent and control the development of chronic diseases.
作者 强德仁 许敏锐 周义红 秦晶 石素逸 QIANG De-ren, XU Min-rui, ZHOU Yi-hong, QIN Jing, SHI Su-yi(Wujin District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213164, Chin)
出处 《实用预防医学》 CAS 2018年第6期695-699,共5页 Practical Preventive Medicine
基金 常州市武进区科技发展计划项目(WS201432)
关键词 慢性病 患病率 危险因素 chronic disease prevalence rate risk factor
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