
教练员执教方式对非自主性动机的影响研究 被引量:2

The Study of the Effect of the Coaching Style on the Motivation without Self-Determination
摘要 为了探索教练员执教方式、心理需求及动机倾向之间的关系,使用自主支持量表简表(Perceived Autonomy Support scales),控制型执教行为量表(The Controlling Interpersonal Style in a Coaching Context),运动员基本心理需求满量表(Basic Needs Satisfaction in Sport Scale),中国版的《运动动机量表》(The Sport Motivation Scale-Ⅱ)对416名被试者进行问卷测量,尝试建立各变量之间的结构方程模型。结果表明:1)结构方程模型拟合结果支持了修正中介模型,即控制型执教方式可直接预测非自主性动机,自主支持型执教方式以心理需要为中介预测非自主性动机。2)各变量间的回归分析表明,控制性执教方式中威迫对无动机和外部动机都具有最强的预测作用;心理需求中能力需要对无动机具有最强的预测作用;关系需要对外部动机具有最强的负向预测作用。研究结果既为自我决定理论提供了实证性证据,同时也体现出本土文化特征。 The research aims to explore the relationship belween athletes" perception of coaching style, basic psychological needs and motivation orientation . Questionnaire including Perceived Autonomy Support scales, The Controlling Interpersonal Style in a Coaching Context, Basic Needs Satisfaction in Sport Scale, The Sport Motivation Scale - II were adnfinistrated to 416 selected athletes, and using Structure Equation Model to test the relationship of aforementioned three factors. The result shows that: 1. The modified Mediate Model fits the most of SEM simulation, which says the scores of athletes" perception of con- trolled coaching style can directly predict the scores of non - self - determined, and the scores of athletes" perception of sup- porting coaching style need the psychological basic needs as a mediator to predict the scores of non - self - determined motiva- tion. 2. As the regression analysis of the three variables shows, the Coerce dimension of athletes'perception of coaching style can predict the non - motivation and external motivation best; the Competence Need dimension of psychological basic needs can predict the non - motivation best ; the Relationship Need can predict external motivation reversely best. The results provide a solid empirical support for the Self - determined Theory, meanwhile, some indigenous Chinese culture factors can help to ex- plain the relationship more effectively.
作者 赵大亮 曾芊 ZHAO Da - liang;CENG Qian(Guangzhou Sport College Education Psychology Teaching and Research Office, Guangzhou 510000, China)
出处 《广州体育学院学报》 北大核心 2018年第3期81-85,共5页 Journal of Guangzhou Sport University
基金 广东省哲学社会科学课题(GD15CTY04)
关键词 执教方式 心理需求 动机 结构方程模型 coaching style basic psychological needs motivation Structure Equation Model
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