

Phase Field Simulation of Polymer Shish-Kebab Crystal
摘要 用相场方法分别模拟以棒状和螺纹状为初始核的串晶形貌。通过改变前者与方向轴的角度,实验对比发现界面的不连续是串晶形成的主要原因;形成的串晶的横向薄片相互平行,并等距离分布;随着定向核的角度不同,模拟出不同的串晶形貌,横向薄片的稠密程度也不相同。后者模拟出的串晶横向薄片的分布不规律。 The phase field method is used to simulate the string crystal with rod and thread as initial core. By changing the former and the direction of axis angle,experimental comparison,found that the discontinuous interface appears to be the main reason for the formation of shish kebab formation; transverse lamellae are parallel to each other,and with the directional distance distribution; of nuclei from different angles,simulated on different crystal morphology were simulated,the density of the horizontal slice is not dense the same. The latter is simulated by the unequal distance distribution of the cross section of the crystal.
作者 何聪聪 杨斌鑫 HE Cong-cong;YANG Bin-xin(School of Applied Science College,Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,Taiyuan 030024,Chin)
出处 《太原科技大学学报》 2018年第2期155-160,共6页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology
基金 山西省自然科学基金(2012011019-2) 太原科技大学博士基金(20152024)
关键词 相场 定向核 聚合物串晶 phase field oriented nucleus shish-kebab crystal
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