

Application of three-dimensional cell culture in the study of Alzheimer's disease
摘要 2D细胞培养的细胞在体外环境下随着增生会逐渐丧失原来的性状;动物模型实验繁琐,价格昂贵;而3D细胞培养模型可在一定程度上弥补动物模型和2D细胞模型的缺陷,越来越受到大家重视。2014年数据报道阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)65岁以上人群发病率在5.14%,我国AD患者2016年已达800万,但该病的发病机制尚未明确,对AD的研究一直是热点及难点。本文将简单介绍2D细胞培养和3D细胞培养,并对3D细胞培养近些年在AD研究方面的应用作一综述。 Cells in two-dimensional(2 D) cultures gradually lose their original traits as they are passaged in vitro.Existing animal models are expensive and animal experiments require too much work to conduct large-scale experiments.Three-dimensional(3 D) cell culture models have attracted increasing attention as they can circumvent the limitations of these previous two models. In 2014,it was reported that the incidence of Alzheimer's disease(AD) in people over 65 years old was 5. 14%. In China,the number of AD patients reached 8 million in 2016,but the pathogenesis of the disease is not yet clear. Study of AD is a ‘hot'yet complicated issue. This article will briefly introduce 2 D and 3 D cell cultures and the application of 3 D cell culture to AD research in recent years.
作者 康美美 王蓉 KANG Meimei;WANG Rong(Department of Central Laboratory,Xuanwu Hospital,Capital Medical Universit;Beijing Geriatric MedicalResearch Cente;Center of Alzheimer’s disease,Beijing Institute for Brain Disorder;Key Laboratory forNeurodegenerative Disease of Ministry of Education,Beijing 100053,Chin)
出处 《中国比较医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第5期12-15,共4页 Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目(编号:2016YFC1306300) 北京市医院管理局临床医学发展专项经费(扬帆计划)(编号:ZYLX201706)
关键词 2D细胞培养 3D细胞培养 阿尔茨海默病 2D cell culture 3D cell culture Alzheimer’s disease
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