
美国高校数字学术空间对图书馆服务的启示 被引量:10

The Enlightenment of Digital Scholarship Space on Library Service in American Universities
摘要 数字学术致力于为科研、教学和学习提供一系列的支持活动,这些活动为图书馆参与和推动学术研究、教学及学习提供新契机,同时也带来了图书馆空间与服务的变革。本文通过研究美国部分高校图书馆数字学术空间的命名情况、人员配备、岗位设置、服务内容与方式、存在的挑战等,发掘和探究图书馆在数字学术环境下提供的空间和服务特点,从而为我国高校图书馆数字学术空间的构建与服务提供借鉴。 Digital scholarship is committed to providing a range of support activities for research, teaching and learning. These activities provide new opportunities for library participation and promotion of academic research, teaching and learning, as well as the evolution of library space and services. This article through studies the American academy of part of the university library digital scholarship space’s naming, staffng, post settings, service contents and methods and existing challenges, etc., to discover and explore academic environment provided by the library in the digital space, and the characteristics of the service, thus to our country the construction of university library in digital space and services provide a certain reference.
作者 尹雪 任树怀 平越 YIN Xue1 REN ShuHuai2 PING Yue2(1. Library of Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; 2. Library of Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 201620, China)
出处 《数字图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 2018年第5期11-17,共7页 Digital Library Forum
关键词 数字学术 数字学术空间 空间发展 Digital Scholarship Center for Digital Scholarship Space Construction
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