The disclosure of internal control weakness( ICW) information with listed company is a key to evaluate the quality of internal control system,which has an important effect on risk perception of creditors,and influences corporate cost of debt. This paper examines the effect of ICW on the cost of debt. This paper examines the impact of internal control defects on the cost of debt of private listed companies from 2007 to 2014. Firstly,the study finds an ICW will lead to a significant increase in the cost of debt; compared to financial reporting defects the adverse effects of non-financial reporting defects on the cost of debt financing is more obvious after distinguish the defect types. Secondly,this result demonstrates that the more severe the ICWs disclosed,the higher the cost of debt,and only the severity of non-financial-related is positively and significantly related to the cost of debt. The conclusion of the study shows that in the full aperture disclosure of internal control deficiencies disclosure policy on the whole have higher information gain,can effectively alleviate the information asymmetry between the creditor and the enterprise,accumulates new empirical evidence to understand how ICW influences the debt financing costs,further enriches the literature about the usefulness of internal control debt contracts,and provides a theoretical basis for policy regulators to optimize internal control deficiencies,information disclosure and regulatory policies.
ZHENG Jun;XING Meng;PENG Lin(School of Accounting,Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,Nanjing 210023,China;School of Business,Anhui University of Technology,Ma’anshan 243002,China)
Journal of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics