

Testability algorithm analysis of electronic system based on multi signal simulation
摘要 针对电子系统的复杂化及故障诊断难度,在系统设计过程中全面考虑可测问题,将电子系统可测性融入到设计规范中。本文首先创建多信号模型及可测性指标,之后对可测性指标进行分配和分析,通过对可测性的研究,根据相关的封装技术实现基于多模拟的电子系统可测设计。通过实验表示,基于多模拟信号的电子系统可测算法的结果精准,本文算法具有准确性,并且能够为电子系统提供指标分配、分析及最优测试序列的生成等一系列的功能。 Aiming at the complexity of electronic system and the difficulty of fault diagnosis,the measurable problem is considered in the process of system design,and the testability of electronic system is incorporated into the design specification. This paper first create a multi signal model and testability index after the testability index distribution and analysis,through the research of testability,according to electronic system simulation test design based on encapsulation technology related. Through the experiment that can be measured electronic analog signal system based on the results of precision,this algorithm has high accuracy,and can provide for the electronic system generate the index distribution,analysis and optimal test sequence and a series of functions.
作者 张少凤 ZHANG Shao-feng(Baoji Vocational Technology College,Baoji 721000,China)
出处 《电子设计工程》 2018年第9期50-54,共5页 Electronic Design Engineering
关键词 多模拟信号 电子系统 可测算法 故障诊断 multi analog signals;electronic system;measurable algorithm;fault diagnosis
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