
不同立地杉木家系幼林生长差异 被引量:7

Growth differences and selection of Chinese fir families in young plantations with different site conditions
摘要 通过对不同立地杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata家系的生长差异研究,了解杉木家系生长性状与立地的互作效应,选出生长快、稳定性好和适应性强的杉木家系进行推广。用营造在浙江余杭长乐林场和开化县林场的3年生杉木家系(21个家系,1个对照)区试验林,开展了不同立地杉木家系生长性状的差异、互作效应和适应性研究。结果表明:杉木家系树高和胸径2个生长性状在不同立地以及同一立地不同区组间表现出极显著性差异;余杭点(马尾松Pinus massoniana林采伐迹地)3年生杉木家系的平均树高和平均胸径(树高为3.21 m,胸径为4.31 cm)比开化点(杉木林采伐迹地,树高为2.33 m,胸径为2.31 cm)分别高出37.77%和86.58%。树高性状在家系间差异极显著(P<0.01),胸径性状在家系与地点间存在极显著的交互效应(P<0.01)。通过树高和胸径2个生长性状的速生性、稳定性和适应性分析评价,选出在两地幼林期表现良好的杉木家系7个,它们可在两地及相似地区推广应用。 To screen the fast-growing Chinese fir family for steady traits and strong adaptability for extension, growth differences of 21 Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) families were compared for different site conditions and the interactions between growth traits and sites were discussed. Two sites treatments in Changle Forest Farm and Kaihua Forest Farm, and a control in the second generation seed orchard, with randomized block design and eight replications, were set in Zhejiang Province. Tree height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of 3-year-old Chinese fir families were investigated for each tree. A one-way analysis of variance fol- lowed by Duncan's multiple comparison test was used to determine statistical significance of growth triats across two sites. Results showed significant differences (P〈0.01) on tree height and DBH with Chinese fir in the same family for different sites and for different blocks of the same site. Chinese fir planted in cutover land of Pinus massoniana at Changle Farm had higher tree height (37.77%) and greater DBH (86.58%) than that on cutover land of Chinese fir at Kaihua Farm. Tree height also showed significant differences(P〈0.01 ) among families. According to the analysis on growth rate, stability, and adaptability of tree height and DBH, seven families of Chinese fir grown at two sites which showed favorable traits at the young plantation stage were se-lected. These seven families could be widely planted in these two sites as well as in other sites having similar conditions.
作者 何贵平 徐金良 徐永勤 陈永辉 沈凤强 徐卢雨 HE Guiping;XU Jinliang;XU Yongqin;CHEN Yonghui;SHEN Fengqiang;XU Luyu(Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Tree Breeding,Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Hangzhou 311400,Zhejiang,China;Forest Farm of Kaihua County of Zhejiang Province,Kaihua 324300,Zhejiang,China;Changle Forest Farm of Yuhang District of Hangzhou City,Hangzhou 311123,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《浙江农林大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期453-458,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang A&F University
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑项目(2015BAD09B0101) "十三五"浙江省林木育种专项(2016C02056-5) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(CAFYBB2017ZA001-1)
关键词 森林培育学 杉木 家系 立地 生长差异 选择 silviculture Cunninghamia lanceolata family site growth difference selection
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