
清代满城概念研究 被引量:3

Study on Concept of Manchu City in Qing Dynasty
摘要 满城是清代出现的一种特殊城市类型,从学界现有关于满城的研究成果看,不仅统计的满城数量不尽相同,对于满城的定义也存在不同意见。据清代八旗驻防的重要文献《八旗通志》可知,清代满城共11座,这些满城是清前期在内地军事重地(一般是地方行政中心)设置的永久性驻防城,主要驻扎八旗官兵(含八旗满洲,最高级官员为正三品城守尉以上)及其眷属,城市管理较严格,城市形态整齐划一,渭泾分明,等级森严,一般设有有形的边界。据此看来,以往存在争议的三类"满城",即京师(北京)、东北和新疆的驻防城以及内地的德州等八座驻防城均不满足以上条件,也就是说严格意义上的清代满城只有《八旗通志》所载的11座。明确满城的定义及数量,对于深入研究八旗驻防、清代满城、中国城市史和中国军事史均有一定的价值和意义。 Manchu city is a special type of city in Qing Dynasty. According to the existing research results on Manchu city in academic circles,it is clear that not only the statistical data of this kind of city are different,but there are also different opinions on the definition of Manchu city. According to Comprehensive History of the Eight Banners( including two editions: the most important historic documents on the Garrison System of Eight Banners in Qing Dynasty),there were eleven Manchu cities in Qing Dynasty. These Manchu cities were all permanent garrison cities set up in the early Qing Dynasty in the mainland military area,which were mainly stationed by the Eight Banners officers and soldiers,including the Eight Flags Manchuria,of whom the highest official is at least city guard commandant withthe military official of the third grade( Zhengsanpin Chengshouwei in Chinese). The management of the cities was very strict while the form of the cities was uniform,well-defined and well-classified. And there were usually tangible borders. According to these features,none of the former controversial three types of"Manchu cities"meet the above features,including the Jingshi in the narrow sense(the capital of the country),the garrison cities in Northeast China and Xinjiang,and the eight garrison cities in the mainland. In other words,strictly speaking,there were only 11 seats for Manchu city as mentioned in the book. Making clear of the definition and quantity of Manchu city is of certain value and significance to the in-depth study on the garrison system of Eight Banners,the Manchu city,the Chinese city history,and the Chinese military history.
作者 韩效 叶皓然 周至人 张毅捷 HAN Xiao;YE Hao-ran;ZHOU Zhi-ren;ZHANG Yi-jie(School of Architecture and Design,Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756,China)
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第3期115-126,共12页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目"基于多智能体元胞自动机理论的城市开发边界划定方法"(51508470) 四川省教育厅四川省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地民间文化研究中心科研项目"宽窄巷子模式研究"(MJ15-26) 西南交通大学国家大学生创新性实验计划项目"宽窄巷子模式"研究(201510613038)
关键词 清代 满城 驻防城 八旗驻防 中国城市史 中国军事史 Qing Dynasty Manchu city(Mancheng) Garrison city Garrison System of Eight Banners Chinese city history Chinese military history
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