

The Value System in Das Kapital
摘要 社会主义核心价值体系是马克思主义的精髓,共产主义运动的萌芽、成长过程也就是社会主义核心价值体系产生、发展的过程。马克思突破了资本主义价值体系的束缚,确立了社会主义核心价值体系,所以就能在《资本论》中从对商品的分析入手,批判商品拜物教,逐步深入分析批判整个资本主义生产方式。社会主义革命就是用社会主义核心价值体系取代资本主义价值体系,由它来主导社会生活过程,重组资本主义社会所创造的科学技术和生产力。做好了这件事情,人类才能在社会政治领域进入自由王国。 Socialist core value system is the essence of Marxism,and the process of communist movement,its sprout and then growth up,is also the process of socialist core value system emerging and developing. Marx broke through the restriction of capitalist value system,and established the socialist core value system,thus he could start from analyzing the concept of goods in his Das Kapital,criticized the worship of goods,and gradually analyzed and criticized the whole capitalist mode of production. In essence,socialist revolution means to replace the capitalist value system with socialist core value system,and guide the social life with it,and then recombine the sciencetechnology,and productivity created by capitalist society. When doing well these things,human kind may enter the realm of freedom in social and political domain.
作者 岳德常 Yue Dechang(C h in e se C u l tu r e In h e r i ta n c e and De v e lo pmen t I ns t i tut e, Hu a n g h e S c ie n c e &T e c h n o lo g y Co l le g e , Z h e n g z h o u Ci ty , He n a n Pr o v in c e , 45006)
出处 《黄河科技大学学报》 2018年第3期32-38,共7页 Journal of Huanghe S&T University
关键词 《资本论》 价值体系 拜物教 Zas Kapital value system fetishism








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