
从“专商引岸”到“一例通销”——康熙年间衡永宝三府食盐运销制度的变革 被引量:1

From “Authorized Salt Merchants Sell Salt at the Designated Market” to “Authorized Salt Merchats Sell Salt at Salt Region” ——the Reform of theT rasportation and Marketing System of Table Salt in Hengzhou,Yongzhou and Baoqing during Kangxi Years
摘要 湖广淮盐引地一例通销的政策在明末已具雏形,清初正式确立。湖南衡州、永州、宝庆三府在康熙六年(1667)由粤盐区改为淮盐区,严行专商引岸制,但并未立即纳入湖广一例通销的体系,由此产生衡永宝三府与湖南北四府运销制度的差异。其结果是,衡永宝三府在粤盐的侵越之外,受到北面四府淮盐的严重侵越。康熙四十二年,就任偏沅巡抚的赵申乔虽然采取各种措施严缉私盐,但效果并不理想。为解决此问题,康熙四十九年,经过湖广总督郭世隆、偏沅巡抚赵申乔、两淮巡盐御史李煦的联名奏请,朝廷最终同意衡永宝三府进入湖广一例通销的体系。推动这一制度变革的因素包括地方官员的销引考成、民众的消费需求、地方盐商对行盐利润的追求、两淮盐商对市场占有的需要等。 The policy Authorized Salt Merchats Sell Salt at Salt Region in Huai salt region at Huguang was originally formed in the late Ming Dynasty and officially established at the beginning of Qing Dynasty.In the sixth year of Emperior Kangxi Reign,the three prefectures Hengzhou,Yongzhou and Baoqing in Hunan were changed from Yue salt region into Huai salt region, strictly abide by the policy Authorized Salt Merchants Sell Salt at the Designated Market, which resulted in the difference in the transportaion and marketing system between Hengzhou,Yongzhou, Baoqing and the other four prefectures in Hunan.As a result, besides the invasion of Yue salt,Heng, Yong and Bao also suffered the invasion of Huai salt of the four prefectures in the north.In the 42nd year of Emperior Kangxi Reign, appointed as governor of Pianyuan, Zhao Shenqiao took various measures to suppress private smuggling, but the result was not satisfactory. In order to solve this problem, in the 49th year of Emperior Kangxi Reign, with the joint solicitation of Huguang Governor Guo Shilong, Pianyuan governor Zhao Shenqiao, LiangHuai imperial salt official Li Xu, the court finally agreed Heng, Yong, Bao to implement the policy Authorized Salt Merchats Sell Salt at Salt Region. The factors driving the policy change include the appraisal of the local officals selling salt marketing certificate, the demand of the public consumer, the salt profits pursued by local salt merchants and the need of the salt market posession of Linaghuai salt merchants.
作者 韩燕仪 HAN Yanyi
机构地区 中山大学历史系
出处 《盐业史研究》 CSSCI 2018年第1期29-36,共8页 Salt Industry History Research
关键词 清代 食盐专卖 专商引岸 一例通销 衡永宝三府 Qing Dynasty Salt monopoly Authorized Salt Merchants Sell Salt at the Designated Market Authorized Salt Merchats Sell Salt at Salt Region the three Prefectures Hengzhou Yongzhou and Baoqing
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