
以深度学习培养21世纪技能--美国《为了生活和工作的学习:在21世纪发展可迁移的知识与技能》的启示 被引量:47

Developing 21st Century Skills Through Deeper Learning——Implications from the U.S. National Report Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills
摘要 美国国家研究院2012年发布报告《为了生活和工作的学习:在21世纪发展可迁移的知识与技能》,探讨深度学习与21世纪技能的融合,代表了美国教育变革与发展的新取向。报告将21世纪技能分为认知、自我、人际三大领域能力,并指出深度学习是其形成必不可少的过程。深度学习的本质是形成可迁移的知识,其过程包括建立事实、概念、程序、策略、信念五类知识的相关网络,可从使用合理的教学手段,重塑课堂设计以及以评促学、转变评估方式三个维度促进。其中,重塑课堂设计针对认知领域能力的培养,可采用问题化学习、联系真实世界的教学与校外实习相结合的设计方式;人际领域能力的培养可通过小组式学习与实习中发展学生的交流及协作能力来实现;自我领域能力的发展可通过学生参与教学决策的个性化学习来完成。美国深度学习发展策略对我国教育实践有如下启示:重塑教学目标;发挥实验校引领作用;转变教师角色;改革评价方式;发挥信息化技术的使能作用。 In 2012, the National Research Council in the U.S. released the report Education for Life and Work:Developing Transferable Knowlge and Skills in the 21st Century to discuss the integration of deeper learning and21st century skills, representing a new orientation for education reform and development in the United States. Thereport categorized 21st century skills into three major areas: cognitive competencies, interpersonal competencies,and intrapersonal competencies, and pointed out that deeper learning is an essential process for mastering knowledge in these three areas. The essence of deeper learning is to develop transformable knowledge, the process of which includes the establishment of relevant networks of five types of knowledge: facts, concepts, procedures,strategies, and beliefs. Promoting deeper learning can be based on three dimensions, namely, the use of reasonableteaching methods, redesigning the classroom teaching, assessment for learning and change of the assessmentmethods. In the remodeling of classroom design, the cultivation of the ability in the cognitive field can be based ondesign approaches including authentic problem-based learning and off-campus internships. The training of interpersonal skills can be conducted through group learning and internships, the goal of which is the development of students’communication skills and collaboration abilities. The development of intrapersonal skills can beachieved through the individualized learning with students participating in teaching decisions making. The U.S. deeper learning development strategy has the following implications for China’s educational practice: rebuildinglearning objectives; emphasizing the leading role of experimental schools; changing teachers’roles; reformingevaluation methods; making good use of information technology in education.
作者 孙妍妍 祝智庭 SUN Yanyan;ZHU Zhiting
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期9-18,共10页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 全国教育科学“十三五”规划2016年度教育部青年项目“面向思维发展的智慧学习设计研究”(ECA160416).
关键词 美国教育报告 深度学习 21世纪技能 教育变革 U.S. Educational Report Deeper Learning 21st Century Skills Educational Reform
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