

On the Problems of “not Working as Officials” of Non-leading Cadres at the Section Levels of County and Township:An Empirical Analysis of W County
摘要 作为较为特殊的群体,县乡科级非领导职务干部的"为官不为"现象是当前特别值得关注的现象。通过对W县的深入调研和实证分析,县乡科级非领导职务干部的"为官不为"表现形式多样,具体体现为有位不为型、倚老卖老型、随波逐流型、破罐破摔型、干吃空饷型等,这既阻碍了工作开展,又污染了政治生态,给党的事业和社会发展带来了严重的危害,引起了社会广泛关注。县乡科级非领导职务干部之所以出现"为官不为"现象,究其原因,主要是宗旨观念淡漠,使干部有满足感;组织关爱不够,使干部有失落感;监督管理不严,使干部有投机感;沟通交流不畅,使干部有抵触感;政治生态不纯,使干部有侥幸感。在找准致因的基础上,要综合施策、多管齐下,有针对性地提出治理之策:强化从严管理的思想意识,破解干部"不想为";健全从严管理的工作制度,破解干部"不会为";压实从严管理的责任体系,破解干部"不敢为";改进从严管理的考核办法,破解干部"不能为";创新从严管理的激励机制,破解干部"不愿为"。 As a special group, the non leading cadres at the section levels of county and township are of special concern for the phenomenon of "not working as an official". Through the in depth inves tigation and empirical analysis of County W, the non leading cadres at the section levels of county and township show a variety of manifestations of "not working as an official", which are embodied in such types as not working at the position, relying on advantage of one's seniority, floating in the stream, working recklessly, freeloading and so on. These acts not only hinder the work, but also pollute the political ecology, causing serious harm to the Party's cause and social development. The reasons why the non leading cadres at the county and township level do not work as officials are mainly because of: first, the indifference of professional purpose, which makes them feel satisfied; second, the lack of organizational care, which makes them feel lost; third, slackness of supervision and management, which makes them seize chance to make private gains; fourth, shortage of communication and interex change, which makes them produce sense of collision; fifth, impurity of political ecology, which makes them have sense of fluke. ()n the basis of finding out the right causes, it is necessary to corn bine strategies and multi leveled approaches to put forward countermeasures for management: to strengthen the ideology of strict management to break through cadres' slackness; to improve the working system of strict management to solve cadres' inability; to impose strict management respon sibility system to solve cadres' cautiousness; to improve the assessment method of strict management to solve cadres' incapability; to innovate the incentive mechanism of strict management to solve ca dres' unwillingness.
作者 陶建平 谭英俊 覃燕由 TAO Jianping;TAN Yingjun;QIN Yanyou(Party School of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Committee of CPC,Nanning 530021,China)
出处 《广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第3期37-46,共10页 Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"西部贫困地区县级政府扶贫开发政策执行力问题研究"(12CZZ045) 广西社科基金项目"广西县域领导干部队伍能力建设研究"(03BSH0032003)
关键词 科级干部 非领导职务 为官不为 cadres at section level non leading cadres cadres not working as an official
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