
健身场所空间特征与青少年身体活动的关系——基于GIS与加速度计的实证研究 被引量:12

Relationship between Spatial Features of Exercise Facilities and Physical Activity in Adolescents: An Analysis Using GIS and Accelerometer
摘要 目的:分析住所附近健身场所空间特征与青少年特定时段身体活动的关系。方法:抽取北京市6所中学的329名初中生,采用Acti Graph GT3X+型加速度计测量其不同时段(周平均、上学日、上学日非在校时段、周末)的低强度(LPA)、中等强度(MPA)、高强度(VPA)、中高强度身体活动水平(MVPA)。以Arc GIS V10.0软件分析研究对象住所附近(1 km、2 km、3 km、5 km缓冲区)健身场所空间特征。结果:研究对象平均M VPA时间为(39.96±17.19)min/d,达到每天运动1 h的比例为12.5%;研究对象上学日较周末活跃,男生较女生活跃。3 km缓冲区内健身场所数量与上学日非在校时段MPA及MVPA呈正相关;1 km、2 km、3 km、5 km缓冲区内健身场所数量及公园面积占比与周末MPA呈正相关,2 km缓冲区内健身场所数量与周末VPA呈正相关,2 km、3 km、5 km缓冲区内健身场所数量与周末MVPA呈正相关。结论:青少年身体活动水平较低,上学日较周末活跃,男生较女生活跃;增加青少年住所附近健身场所数量及公园面积有助于促进其上学日非在校时段及周末身体活动水平。 Purpose: To investigate the relationship between the spatial features of exercise failities and physical activity in adolescents.Methods: Participants were 329 students recruited from six junior schools in Beijing.The Acti Graph GT3 X + accelerometers were applied to measure the light( LPA),moderate( MPA),vigorous( VPA),and moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA( MVPA)in various time segments,i. e.,average across a week,weekdays,weekday non-school hours,and weekend days. The spatial features of exercise failities within the neighborhood( 1 km,2 km,3 km,and 5 km buffer) were analyzed by Arc GIS V10. 0 software.Results: Participants do an average of 39. 96 ± 17. 19 min/day MVPA and 12. 5% of which meet recommended 60 min/day MVPA.Participants are more active on weekdays than on weekend days,and boys are more active than girls. Number of exercise failities within 3 km buffer is positively associated with MPA and MVPA in weekday non-school hours. Number of exercise failities and area proportion of parks within 1 km,2 km,3 km,and 5 km buffers are positively associated with MPA on weekend days.Number of exercise failities within the 2 km buffer is positively related to VPA on weekend days. Number of exercise failities within 2 km,3 km,and 5 km buffers is positively related to MVPA on weekend days. Conclusion: PA levels of adolescents in Beijing are extremely low. Adolescents are more active on weekdays and boys are more active than girls. Increasing number of exercise failities and park area in the neighborhood may help to promote PA levels during weekday non-school hours and weekend days in adolescents.
作者 王超 贺刚 陈晓红 WANG Chao;HE Gang;CHEN Xiaohong(School of Sport Science and Health, Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing 100191, China;Key Lab for Motor Function Evaluation and Technique Analysis, Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing 100191, China)
出处 《上海体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期36-43,共8页 Journal of Shanghai University of Sport
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(14YJC890025) 国家体育总局重点研究领域课题(2014B081)
关键词 青少年 身体活动 健身场所 地理信息系统 加速度计 adolescent physical activity exercise facilities geographic information system ( GIS) accelerometer
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