
微细铣削力对毛刺尺寸的影响规律研究 被引量:4

Influence Regularity of Micro Milling Force on Burr Size
摘要 毛刺是影响微细铣削质量和效率的关键因素之一,本文运用有限元仿真与微细铣削试验相结合的方法研究了微细铣削中轴向力与径向力对毛刺宽度的影响,并以毛刺宽度为试验指标获得轴向力与径向力对毛刺宽度的影响规律。结果表明:当微细铣削参数大于临界未变形切屑厚度时,毛刺宽度随轴向切深、每齿进给量的增大而增大;当微细铣削参数小于临界未变形切屑厚度时,毛刺宽度随轴向切深、每齿进给量的增大先增大后减小,轴向力、径向力随轴向切深、每齿进给量的增大先增大后减小。总的来讲,毛刺宽度总体趋势随着轴向力、径向力的增大而增大,在后续的微细铣削参数优化中可以将切削力作为优化指标,间接地降低毛刺尺寸。 The burrs has become one of the key factors of micromilling quality and efficiency. This paper studies the effect of axial force and radial force on burr width with the combination of finite element method and micromilling experiment. Burr width is selected as the experimental index to obtain influence rule of axial force and radial force on the burr width in micromilling. The result shows that the burr width increases with the increasement of axial depth of cut and feed engagement when the milling parameters is bigger than the critical undeformed chip thickness. When the milling parameters is smaller than the critical undeformed chip thickness,the burr width increases at first and then decreases with the increasement of axial depth of cut and the feed engagement. Meanwhile,axial force and radial force increase at first and then decrease with the increasement of axial depth of cut and the feed engagement. Conclusively,the burr width has a total trend to increase with the increasement of axial force and radial force. Therefore,the milling force can be regarded as the optimize index to realize the reduction of burr size indirectly in subsequent micromilling parameter optimization.
作者 孙秋莲 程祥 杨先海 郑光明 刘原勇 赵国勇 Sun Qiulian, Cheng Xiang, Yang Xianhai, Zheng Guangming, Liu Yuanyong, Zhao Guoyong
机构地区 山东理工大学
出处 《工具技术》 2018年第5期42-46,共5页 Tool Engineering
基金 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2015EL023) 山东省重点研发计划项目(2016GGX103015)
关键词 微细铣削 毛刺 切削力 有限元分析 micromilling burr cutting force finite element method
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