爱尔兰高中毕业证书考试(Leaving Certificate Examination)是爱尔兰实施的中等教育水平的毕业证书考试,是学生取得中等教育证书和大学招生的参考标准。通过对爱尔兰化学考试大纲及近三年化学试题进行分析,发现其具有强调考试的选择选拔功能、注重考试的权威报告解读、统筹不同考试难度区分度、注意化学科学精神的渗透等特点。爱尔兰证书考试重视课程及考试的选择价值、重构符合课改的命题形式、强化对核心素养的评价引导、注重对考试的权威实证解读等,对我国新时代化学高中考试具有较好的借鉴作用。
Leaving Certificate Examination is a secondary education diploma examination in Ireland. It is a reference standard for students to obtain secondary education certificate and university enrollment. Through the analysis of the chemistry test syllabus in Ireland and the chemistry test for the last three years,it is concluded that the examination has the characteristics of emphasizing the choice and selection of examinations,paying attention to the interpretation of authoritative reports,unifying the difficulty and differentiation of different examinations,and paying attention to the infiltration of scientific spirit of chemistry. It puts forward four enlightenment for our high school chemistry exam,such as paying attention to the choice value of curriculum and examination,re constructing the proposition form which conforms to the curriculum reform,strengthening the evaluation and guidance of core literacy,focusing on the empirical interpretation of the authority of the examination.
Wang Wei;Sun Hui;Wang Houxiong(College of Chemistry, Cwntral Central Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei ,43007)
Examinations Research