
革命纪念馆运用红色资源开展社会教育的思考 被引量:4

Reflections on the Use of the Red Resources in Revolutionary Museums to Carry Out Social Education
摘要 中国共产党奋斗中所形成的红色资源是珍贵的教育资源。革命纪念馆作为社会教育机构,发挥着爱国主义教育基地作用。对民众尤其是对党员干部、青少年开展爱国主义教育是革命纪念馆的主旨和灵魂。进一步深入挖掘及运用红色资源,为干部群众的精神家园建设输送延绵不绝的精神营养。加大对红色资源的资金投入力度,为红色资源的开发利用提供坚实的物资基础;增强红色资源的推介力度,发挥其在纪念馆的育人功能;以馆藏文物为载体,多措并举,让文物述说历史;树立品牌意识,扩大红色资源整合力度,搭建开发利用红色资源的平台。开发利用红色资源,坚定文化自信、增强中华民族凝聚力、满足人民群众精神文化追求、促进文明交流互鉴,为实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦凝聚正能量。 the red resources formed in the struggle of the Chinese Communist Party are precious education resources. As a social education institution, the revolutionary memorial hall plays the role of the patriotic education base. It is the main theme and soul of the revolutionary memorial hall to educate the people, especially the Party cadres and the young people. We will further explore and utilize the red resources to carry out continuous spiritual nourishment for the spiritual home building of the cadres. We should increase the investment in red resources and provide a solid material base for the development and utilization of red resources. We should enhance the promotion of red resources, give full play to the educational function of the museum, take the collection of cultural relics as the carrier, and take multiple measures to tell the history of cultural relics. We should establish brand awareness, expand the integration of red resources, and build a platform to exploit red resources. We should have strong cultural self-confidence, enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation, meet people's spiritual and cultural pursuit, and promote the communication of civilization in order to condense positive energy in the achievement of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 朱小可 Zhu Xiaoke(Nanchang Uprising Museum, Nanchang 330009, P. R. Chin)
出处 《江西科技师范大学学报》 2018年第2期37-41,共5页 Journal of Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University
基金 2016年度江西省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地研究项目<南昌起义 秋收起义 广州起义及其革命精神比较研究>(编号:JD16063 主持人:叶桉)阶段性成果
关键词 革命纪念馆 红色资源 社会教育 社会主义核心价值观 中国梦 revolutionary memorial hall red resources social education socialist core values the Chinese dream
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