
连续开花萱草杂交育种研究 被引量:7

Study on the cross breeding of continuous reblooming daylilies
摘要 为利用萱草品种‘金娃娃’较高的观赏特性,培育更多连续开花萱草新品种,以‘金娃娃’为亲本,与26个单次花和连续开花萱草品种正反交得52个组合,从中筛选获得9个具有连续花/单次花分离的组合,分别测定其后代F1的11项性状指标,并分析其变异及性状相关性。结果显示:所有观赏性状都表现出较高的变异系数,其中花量变异幅度最大,叶型、株型变异丰富,花型无显著变化。选择数量大且性状稳定的群体进行进一步分析发现,杂交方法可获得植株株高高、花量大、地被覆盖度大的连续开花优秀观赏萱草品种。连续开花性状与主要观赏性状的相关性比较发现,叶数与连续开花紧密相关,连续开花植株常具有多个花葶,单个花葶上的分枝减少,花量降低。 New continuous reblooming daylilies were cultivated by adopting the high ornamental characters sof Hemerocallis ‘Stella De Oro'.Reciprocal crosses between H.‘Stella De Oro'and 26 different parents(once flowering/continuous reblooming daylilies)were designed and conducted.Among which,the characteristics and variation of 9 crosses' F1,were determined.All characters displayed variation except the flower type.The number of flowers was the most distinguished,next were leaf type and plat tape,the least was flower type.It was beneficial to gain continuous reblooming varieties with higher height,more flowers and more land cover power.Understandings obtained in this study would provide guidance for the breeding of continuous rebloom daylilies further.
作者 袁琳 高亦珂 朱琳 张启翔 YUAN Lin, GAO Yike, ZHU Lin, ZHANG Qixiang(College of Landscape Architecture/Beijing Key Laboratory of Ornamental Plants Germplasm Innovation & Molecular Breeding/National Engineering Research Center for FIoraculture/Beijing Laboratory of Urban and Rural Ecological Environment, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, Chin)
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期49-58,共10页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 国家林业局‘948’项目(2004-1-01)
关键词 萱草 连续开花 杂交育种 观赏性状 Hemerocallis continuous reblooming crossing breeding ornamental characters
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