
接苯企业职业健康风险评估 被引量:9

Occupational health risk assessment of benzene exposure among enterprises
摘要 目的对接苯企业进行职业健康风险评估,探讨适用于工作场所苯暴露的职业健康风险评估模型。方法 2017年4—6月选择山东某家具厂和变压器厂为研究对象,以新加坡半定量风险评估模型和职业危害风险指数法对各岗位的职业健康风险进行评估并分级。结果新加坡半定量风险评估结果显示,家具厂底漆车间2个喷漆岗为高风险水平(risk值均为4.4),面漆车间各岗位均为中等风险;变压器厂大型制造车间夹件喷漆岗为极高风险水平(risk值为5.0),除油岗和金属结构车间喷漆岗均为高风险水平(risk值分别为3.9、4.4)。职业危害风险指数法评估结果显示,家具厂面漆和底漆车间各岗位均为高度危害;变压器厂大型制造车间除油岗和夹件喷漆岗均为极度危害(risk值均>80),金属结构车间喷漆岗为高度危害。结论家具厂和变压器厂多个接苯岗位处于高风险水平,职业危害风险指数法能更客观的评估苯暴露引起的职业健康风险。 Objective To assess occupational health risk of benzene exposure among enterprise workers and to explore health risk assessment models for occupational benzene exposure in workplace. Methods Benzene exposure monitoring at workplaces and occupational health survey among exposed workers were carried out in a furniture factory and a transformer factory in Shandong province between April and June 2017. The health risk of occupational benzene exposure for each work site was evaluated and graded with the Singapore semi-quantitative risk assessment model and the occupational hazard risk assessment index method. Results The assessment based on Singapore semi-quantitative risk model indicated that in the furniture factory the two paint spraying sites in a primer workshop were classified as with high risk level(risk value of 4.4),and all work sites in the finish paint workshop were with moderate risk; in the transformer factory the work site for clamps' paint spraying in the large size workpiece manufacturing workshop was graded with extremely high risk(risk value of 5.0)and the work sites of oil removal and paint spraying in the metal component workshop were with the high risk level(risk value of 3.9 and 4.4). The assessment according to occupational hazard risk index method demonstrated that in the transformer factory all work sites of primer workshop and finish paint workshop were classified as with high health risk; in the transformer factory, the worksites of oil removal and paint spraying in the large size workpiece manufacturing workshop were with extremely high risk level(mean risk value of greater than 80) and the work sites of paint spraying in the metal component workshop were with the high risk level. Conclusion Several work sites in the furniture factory and transformer factory were assessed with high health risk associated with benzene exposure and the assessment based on occupational hazard risk index method can result in more objective estimation.
作者 伍波 李铭 程秀荣 侯粉霞 邢彩虹 WU Bo, LIMing, CHENG Xiu-rong, et al(National Institute for Occupational Health and Poison Control, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, Chin)
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期755-758,共4页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
关键词 风险评估 职业健康 benzene risk assessment occupational health
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