

World Heritage Perspective on Temporal and Spatial Interpretation of “B & R″
摘要 人类文明遗产"丝绸之路"是世界东西方经济与文化交流的产物,"一带一路"是继承与发扬"丝绸之路"的历史作用、实现中国梦的重要举措。从世界遗产视野探讨"一带一路"具有独特性。"丝绸之路"由李希霍芬在其《中国旅行报告书》中首次命名,而"一带一路"愿景与行动自2013年9月7日首次倡议到2015年3月28日正式推出,有一个认识与规划的完善过程。"一带一路"是一个约定俗成的名称,其空间范围必将扩展至全球;其沿线任意两点间的交通类型千变万化,需要提前预备各种交通类型方案;其建设与维护离不开安全保障,沿线交通中转地与集散地的基础设施是建设的关键内容。"一带一路"作为中西方经济、文化、政治、科学技术成果的物质载体,必将成为21世纪初叶人类文明主流的见证。 Abstract: The name of "The Economic Belt of the Silk Road and the Silk Road on the Sea in the Twenty-first Century" (abbreviated as "the Belt and Road" or "B & R") originated from the "Silk Road". Research findings on "B & R" published in recent years involve topics such as "economy", "trade", "finance", etc. There have been few Chinese literatures on "the Belt and Road" from the perspective of world heritage. Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833 - 1905) first named the Silk Road in his book China: The Result of My Travels and the Studies Based Thereon (1877 - 1912, 5 vols. and atlas). In the process of using the name in different countries, times and disciplines, the Silk Road has derived many names by geographical landform, place name ~ location, transportation, trade goods and cultural concept. From its first initiative on September 7, 2013, to being officially launched in March 28, 2015, the vision and action of "B & R" went through a process of understanding and planning. "B & R" is named through long social practice, yet it is still open to discussion for pure academic accuracy. Although "B & R" is a linear or banded "road", the scope of its space can be extended to the world. Its core scope ranges from the important nodes along the new Silk Road (key economic towns, harbors, customs and islands, etc. ), its main areas to the road net of the main lines. Its substantial scope includes the sum of national economic hinterland, which is reached by important nodes, main areas and road nets along the new Silk Road. Its buffer zone covers the territories, territorial waters and airspace boundaries of countries along the new Silk Road. Its virtual scope is the area covered and radiated by the modern communication network. The traffic thoroughfare of "B & R" includes thoroughfare in land (land routes & water routes in land), thoroughfare in ocean (sea routes through islands and reefs), aviation thoroughfare and network thoroughfare. The traffic terminal of "B & R" consists of points of departure, destination, intermediate transit (in the Silk Road network) and nodal (of land, sea and air lines). Theoretically, each region, province and city in China can become a starting point, or point of origin, of "the Silk Road". But the transfer point and nodal point must have the corresponding conditions, which are the key sites for infrastructure construction. The traffic type of "B & R" composed of transport vehicles and routes is complex and varied. There are 31 types of traffic combinations and 325 types of traffic arrangement. The construction and maintenance of "B & R" need safety and security. "B & R" will represent the mainstream of world civilization in the early Twenty-first Century.
作者 阙维民 Que Weimin(College of Urban & Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, Chin)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期35-43,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 世界遗产视野 丝绸之路 一带一路 时空解读 world heritage perspeetive the Silk Road the Belt and Road temporaland spatial interpretation
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