目的 :探讨体检人群中酸相关性疾病的内镜检出率及构成比变化,以供临床参考用于指导治疗策略。方法:以2015年1月至2016年12月期间行内镜体检的12 293例年龄为30~79岁人群为研究对象,共分为5个年龄组,反流性食管炎(reflux esophagitis,RE)和消化性溃疡(peptic ulcer,PU)均经胃镜病理检查确诊。结果:RE和PU的总体检出率分别为8.8%(1 087例)和8.0%(981例)。在男性中,RE和PU的检出率分别为13.1%和11.5%;在女性中,两者的检出率分别为4.9%和4.7%。男性RE和PU的检出率在30~39岁组为9.2%和10.5%,40~49岁组为12.4%和10.7%,50~59岁组为12.9%和11.4%,60~69岁组为15.0%和13.5%,70~79岁组为15.9%和9.3%;女性RE和PU的检出率在30~39岁组为2.6%和3.6%,40~49岁组为3.3%和4.6%,50~59岁组为4.3%和4.3%,60~69岁组为6.4%和5.2%,70~79岁组为9.6%和6.1%。男性40~49岁组的RE检出率显著高于30~39岁组(12.4%比9.2%,P<0.05),但与50~59岁组接近(12.4%比12.9%,P>0.05)。结论 :体检人群内镜下RE的检出率高于PU;男性患者是酸相关性疾病的重点防治人群,尤其40~49岁患者需重视。
Objective: To explore the endoscopic detection rate and composition ratio of acid-related diseases in health check-up subjects for providing a clinical reference for the guiding of treatment strategy. Methods: From January2015 to December 2016, a total of 12 293 health check-up subjects aged 30-79 years were enrolled. All the subjects underwent endoscopy as a health check-up program, and the subjects were divided into 5 age groups. Reflux esophagitis(RE) and peptic ulcer(PU) were confirmed by gastroscopy. Results: The detection rates of RE and PU were 8.8%(1 087 cases) and 8.0%(981 cases), respectively. For male subjects, the detection rates of RE and PU were 13.1% and 11.5%,respectively; in female subjects, the corresponding rates were 4.9% and 4.7%, respectively. The detection rates of RE and PU in male subjects were 9.2% and 10.5% in 30-39 age group, 12.4% and 10.7% in 40-49 age group, 12.9% and 11.4%in 50-59 age group, 15.0% and 13.5% in 60-69 age group, and 15.9% and 9.3% in 70-79 age group, respectively, while the corresponding detection rates in female subjects were 2.6% and 3.6%, 3.3% and 4.6%, 4.3% and 4.3%, 6.4% and5.2%, and 9.6% and 6.1%, respectively. In male subjects, the detection rate of RE was significantly higher in the 40-49 age group than that in the 30-39 age group(12.4% vs. 9.2%, P0.05), and was close to that in 50-59 age group(12.4%vs. 12.9%, P〉0.05). Conclusions: The endoscopic detection rate of RE is higher than that of PU in the health check-up subjects. Male patients are the key population for prevention and treatment of acid-related diseases, especially in 40-49 age group.
TANG Chenyue;XU Chenyin;YU Lifen(Department of Gastroenterology;Department of Geriatrics, Ruijin Hospi- tal, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China)
Journal of Diagnostics Concepts & Practice