

Study on the Dilemma and Significance of Exploring “Governing Body”in Qing Li Dynasty's Confucian Classics
摘要 北宋庆历时期,诸儒在经学中以先王列圣相传之道为焦点,探讨复兴三代王道之治、重建本朝政治宪纲的"治体"理论。其所面临的问题是:"先王之道"的根本内涵何在?孙复、石介师徒将之概括为"大中之道",而胡瑗阐发为"明体达用"之学,其弟子孙觉则发挥师说,建立"王道"和"圣学"的关系。考察庆历经学"推言治道"的轨迹,发现诸儒关注的重心,有由"外王"转向"内圣"的趋势:在推阐王道政治的"治体"理论之时,又试图建立"治体"与天道性命之学的联系。但此时,诸儒对圣人之道"道体"的理解是含混而粗疏的,因而其对"治体"的建构也存在困境和局限,盖当时儒学理论水平尚不足以解决此问题。但诸儒在探寻"治体"过程中,逐渐转向对"道体"的触及,影响和启发了后来的二程之学。从此角度而言,庆历诸儒经学研究的贡献还是应该被肯定。 During the Qing Li period of the Northern Song Dynasty,Confucian scholars focused on the theory of the Kingly Way,and argued about the treatment of the rejuvenation of the three generations of Wang Dao and the reconstruction of the "Governing Body"theory of the political constitutionalism of the dynasty.The question that they faced is what is the fundamental meaning of "the Way of the First King". Sun Fu and Shi Jie's summed it up as "the Great Middle Way",while Hu Yuan expounded it as the study of "Ming Ti Da Yong". Sun Jue,Hu Yuan's pupil,developed the teacher's theory and established the relationship of "Wang Dao"and"Saint Theory". Examining the trajectory of the Qing Li Dynasty's Confucian Classics' "exploring political philosophy",it was found that the focus of Confucian scholars' attention had the tendency of shifting from "Outer King"to"Inner Holy": when they were exploring the theory of"Governing Body"of Wang Dao's politics,another attempt was made to establish the relationship between "Governing Body"and the study of natural law and life. But at this time,Confucian scholars' understanding of the "Taoist Body"of the sages was ambiguous and sparse. As a result,their construction of the "Governing Body"also had difficulties and limitations. And at that time,Confucian theory was not good enough to solve this problem. However,in exploring the "Governing Body",Confucian scholars had gradually turned to the "Taoist Body",which has an affect on and inspiration to the later study of the Brothers Cheng. From this point of view,the contribution of the study of Confucian studies in Qing Li dynasty should also be affirmed.
作者 阎云
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期92-105,共14页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
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