男 河北省衡水市阜城县第四中学高级英语教师,市英语优秀教师,县骨干教师,从事英语教育教学工作29年;多年来,在省级以上报刊《中学生英语》《学英语》《英语周报》《中学生英语读写》《中学英语园地》《英语辅导》《校园英语》等发表文章数百篇,并有多篇论文获奖;曾参编高中版教辅资料《天天向上》《三维方案》的编写工作;曾荣获“中央教育科学研究所全国基础教育科研先进个人”荣誉称号;多次辅导多学生在省、市和国家级英语竞赛中获奖。
It is often said that love is an action that Can help people get through their dufficulties, There are many people around us who in nneed, such as the hungry, the poor, the homeless and so on. It's time for us to help them andto put love into action. I think if we can do this; the world will be a more beautiful place.
English Journal for Middle School Students