
微信公众平台在输血医学宣传和教育中的应用 被引量:7

Application of WeChat public platform in the propaganda and education of transfusion medicine
摘要 目的:分析研究输血资讯公众平台的运营和传播现状,为以后的运营策略转换提供依据,同时为输血同行创建院内输血科或输血医学相关公众平台提供参考。方法:运用微信公众平台的统计功能,对2016-03-01-2017-06-07公众号的用户属性和增长情况、图文群发、菜单点击、图文阅读量排名等进行详细统计分析。结果:截至2017年6月7日,输血资讯公众号累计用户1 136人,女性多于男性,用户数排名前5位的省市依次为山东、广东、北京、湖北、河南;每日净增关注人数平均为2人,单日净增关注人数最高为120人,单月净增关注人数最高为230人;输血医学菜单累计点击1 315次,954人点击;发布图文消息55次,累计推送147条图文消息,图文阅读人数为35 462人,图文阅读次数为63 587次;图文转化率最高的3篇文章分别为:"重磅消息"(3163.54%)、"2017世界献血者日海报全球发布"(263.99%)、"世界献血者日宣传片"(247.57%)。结论:创建输血相关微信公众号,持续并且规律性发布有价值输血讯息,公众号运营者积极与用户互动,可以有效促进输血医学信息的传播和提升输血医学学科影响力。随着输血医学的发展,需要培养即掌握输血医学又掌握信息技术的复合型人才。微信公众平台的运营需要团队协作才能持续保持其高关注度和影响力。 Objective:To analyze and study the current situation of the operation and dissemination of the transfusion information public platform,and to provide the basis for the future operation strategy transformation,and to provide reference for the blood transfusion peers to establish the hospital transfusion department or the related public platform of transfusion medicine.Method:Using the statistical function of WeChat public platform,this paper makes a detailed statistical analysis of the user attributes and growth of the public number for 7 days from March 1,2016 to June 7,2017,the text and text sending,menu clicking,graphics and text reading,ranking,etc.Result:As of June 7,2017,the cumulative number of users of thetransfusion information public platform is 1 136,more women than men,the number of users ranked the top 5 districts were Shandong,Guangdong,Beijing,Hubei,Henan;the average number of daily net is 2,the highest number of single day net is 120,the highest monthly net is concerned about the number of 230;transfusion medicine menu cumulative click 1 315 times,954 people click;55 release graphic messages,the cumulative push 147 graphic messages,text reading for the number 35 462,graphic reading 63 587 times;the 3 articles with the highest graphic conversion rate were: " heavy news"(3 163.54%), "2017 world blood donors Day Poster were released globally"(263.99%), " World Blood Donors Day Promo"(247.57%).Conclusion:Create a transfusion related WeChat public number,and continued to publish valuable messages of blood transfusion,the number of public operators actively interact with the user,can effectively promote the dissemination of information and enhance the blood transfusion medicine medicine influence.With the development of transfusion medicine,it's needed to cultivate compound talents understanding transfusion medicine and information technology.In order to keep the high attention and influence,WeChat public platform needs teamwork.
作者 秦洪伟 阴瑞兰 崔海涛 韩斌 徐全民 王小霞 QIN Hongwei;YIN Ruilan;CUI Haitao;HAN Bin;XU Quanmin;WANG Xiaoxia(Department of Transfusion, Jiaozhou Central Hospital of Qingdao, Qingdao, 266300, China;Department of Clinical Laboratory, Jiaozhou Central Hospital of Qingdao;Institute of Blood Transfusion, Qingdao Blood Center)
出处 《临床血液学杂志(输血与检验)》 CAS 2018年第2期312-315,共4页 Journal of Clinical Hematology(Blood Transfusion & Laboratory Medicine)
关键词 微信 微信公众平台 移动互联网 输血医学 WeChat WeChat public platform mobile internet transfusion medicine
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