
新时代残疾人福利权保障的发展演进与立法建议——从理念、政策到法治化 被引量:9

Development and Legislative Research on the Protection of Welfare Rights for Persons with Disabilities in New Era: From Idea, Policy to Legislation
摘要 福利权是现代公民享有的重要的社会权利。残疾人作为特别困难群体,其福利权得到了国家的特别关注和保护。随着时代的变迁,残疾人福利权的内容从维持基本生活的社会保险、补贴、救济等生存型福利扩展到实现自我、平等充分融入社会生活的发展型福利。《关于促进残疾人事业发展的意见》和《"十三五"推进基本公共服务均等化规划》等文件提出的"社会保障"和"公共服务"两个体系建设,为新时代下残疾人享有的"大福利权"勾画出完整的边界。与此相对应的,以《残疾人保障法》为母法、四个专项条例为支架搭建起来的残疾人保障法律体系目前尚存在《残疾人福利条例》缺失这一"短板"。为此,建议《残疾人福利条例》尽早立法,统一残疾人福利标准,细化现有残疾人福利政策法规中关于福利的原则性规定,整合现有残疾人福利的相关法条,形成一个有机整体,精准反映残疾人群体的现实需求,解决残疾人群体的现实困难,促进残疾人融入社会,为全面推进残疾人事业开启新的制度空间。 Welfare rights is one kind of social rights of the citizens of modern states. The welfare rights of the persons with disabilities who are regarded as the particularly vulnerable group should be particularly concerned and guaranteed. With the changes of times, the content of the welfare rights of the persons with disabilities covers from the existing-type welfare, eg. social insurance, relief and allowance, to developing-type welfare like self-fulfillment, equality and social integration. The two guideline documents, Opinions of the CPC central committee and the state council on promoting the development of disabled persons and the 13 th fiveyear plan of promoting the equalization of basic public services, state the establishment of the "social insurance" system and the "public service", which outlines the "large welfare" of the persons with disabilities in the new era. The legal system of their protection with the "mother law" and the "framework" of the Four Regulations is now lack of the Regulations based on the welfare of the persons with disabilities. We suggest the Regulations on the welfare should be legislated soon, which establishes the standard of the welfare, refines the current general rules concerned with the welfare for persons with disabilities in the legal and political texts, and forms a comprehensive unity to accurately responding to their demand for persons with disabilities. The forthcoming regulations will definitely open the new institutional space of promoting the welfare for persons with disabilities and advancing the enterprise of the disabled.
作者 徐爽 XU Shuang
出处 《残疾人研究》 CSSCI 2018年第1期29-36,共8页 Disability Research
基金 中国残疾人联合会委托项目:<残疾人福利条例>立法论证
关键词 残疾人 福利权 基本公共服务均等化 Persons with disabilities Welfare rights Equalization of the public service
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