
社交影响下替代性产品的动态定价研究 被引量:4

Dynamic Pricing of Substitute under Social Influence
摘要 围绕社交影响下存在质量差异的两替代性产品动态定价问题,本文使用动态博弈的方法分别研究消费者为短视型或策略型两种情况下销售商的定价决策,并通过建立销售商利润最大化模型考察社交对销售商最优定价和最大利润的影响。研究发现:短视型消费者购买高质量产品的社交影响越大,高质量产品价格越高,低质量产品价格越低,销售商的最大利润先减小后增大;消费者为策略型时,对于不同的参数范围,社交对销售商最优定价的影响可能是正向的,也可能是负向的;数值分析的结果显示销售商的最优利润不仅与社交影响相关,还受到产品质量、折扣因子等参数取值的影响。上述结论为消费者追赶热门商品及销售商调整热门商品价格行为提供了理论解释,也为销售商面对受社交影响的消费者如何定价提供了理论支撑。 Focusing on the dynamic pricing problem of substitutes which have different qualities under social influence,the paper figures out two pricing decisions of the monopolist retailer facing myopic or strategic consumers by using the dynamic game model,and builds the maximum profit model of the retailer to investigate the social influence on optimal pricing and maximum profit of retailers. Study finds that the greater the social influence of high-quality product is,the higher the optimal pricing of high-quality product is and the lower the optimal pricing of low-quality product is,and the maximum profit of the retailer decreases first and then increases when the retailer faces myopic consumers; when consumers are strategic,for different parameter ranges,the social influence on retailer optimal pricing may be positive or negative;and in the numerical experiments,the results show that the optimal pricing and the maximum profit of the retailer are not only related to the social influence but also related to the quality of products,the discount factor and other variables. The paper provides a theoretical explanation for the behaviors which consumers catch up with popular merchandises and retailers adjust the price of hot commodities,and also provides support for retailers to make pricing decisions facing socially influenced consumers.
作者 官振中 张世豪 GUAN Zhen-zhong;ZHANG Shi-hao(School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期20-30,共11页 Commercial Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"价格 库存和时间视角下考虑策略性消费者的动态定价策略研究" 项目编号:71572154 中央高校基本科研业务团队项目 项目编号:26816WTD25
关键词 社交影响 短视型消费者 策略型消费者 替代性产品 动态定价 social influence myopic consumer strategic consumers substitutes dynamic pricing
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