
魏末北镇难民潮的化解 被引量:1

The Ebbing of the Refugee Tide in North Garrison Towns During the Late Northern Wei Dynasty
摘要 北魏末年发生的六镇暴动,影响到中国社会的走势和隋唐政治源流。然而学界对暴动性质和目的的认识,长期存在分歧。其实六镇暴动是一次古代"难民潮",其"求生"性质显示暴动是北族南徙内迁过程的继续,是要反抗军镇压迫,争取改变镇民府户的特殊身份,从而成为与中原华人一样的编户齐民。综合前人成果对北人融入中原社会的过程进行梳理,则进一步增强了这一观点的说服力。由中国中古北族难民潮的发展趋势,可以看出北镇暴动是反政治压迫争取编民身份的斗争,所以进入中原的北镇难民最终经"启立州郡"成为朝廷编民。 The riot that occurred in the six garrison towns (六镇) during the late Northern Wei Dynasty (北魏) affected the trend of Chinese society and the political origin and development of the Sui and Tang Dynasties (隋唐). However, there have been long-standing differences among the academics in the understanding of the nature and purpose of the riot. In fact, the riot of the six garrison towns was an ancient "refugee tide". Its nature for " survival" shows that the riot was a continuation of the southward migration process of the northern ethnic groups, who rebelled against the oppression of the military garrisons ( 军镇 ), in an effort to change their special identity as a household of military service ( 镇民府户 ) , and to become common registered households (编户齐民) just the same as the common households in the central plains of China. Based on the previous scholars' study results, this article summarizes the process of the integration of the northern ethnic groups into Chinese society and further enhances the convincing power of this viewpoint. This article is divided into three chapters. Its first chapter, entitled From Seeking for Survival as Refugees to Cultural Renewal, overviews the development trend of the refugee tide of northern ethnic groups in medieval China. The second chapter, entitled The Households of Military Service Sought for Survival and Naturalization (求生向化), discusses that the riot in the six garrison towns was a struggle against political oppression and for the identity as common Chinese registered households. The third chapter, entitled The Integration of the Northern Ethic Groups Added Vitality to the Central Plains of China, focuses on how these refugee households became common registered households through the establishment of new provinces and counties (启立州郡).
作者 王小甫 Wang Xiaofu(School of Humanities, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039, Chin)
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期133-143,共11页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 难民潮 北镇暴动镇民府户 编户齐民 refugee tide north garrison town (北镇) riot household of military service (镇民府户) common registered household (编户齐民)
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