
银川市警务人员急救知识现状调查与分析 被引量:9

Investigation and analysis of first aid knowledge amongpolice officers in Yinchuan
摘要 目的院前急救的成功关键在于施救人员在现场能否快速、准确、科学的实施现场救治,为了提高我市院前急救的抢救成功率,缩短急诊抢救时间,降低市民死亡及伤残率,调查银川市警务人员院前急救知识与技能的掌握和培训的情况,并分析其影响因素,在深入分析的基础上提出培训意见和建议,为提高本市院前急救成功率提供可靠依据。方法根据李文涛设计的调查问卷及2015版国际心肺复苏指南中的部分更新内容设计新的调查问卷,该问卷分为一般资料、急救知识和技能掌握情况。一般资料包括警种、性别、年龄、警龄、警衔、最高学历;急救知识和技能包括对创伤急救、心肺复苏、溺水者急救、中毒者急救及中暑者急救的自我评价、自我测试及培训的相关调查。该量表Cronbach信度系数α=0.791。在调查对象知情同意的前提下选取银川市160名警务人员进行问卷调查,通过问卷调查法对银川市160名警务人员进行急救知识与技能的相关调查。结果警务人员院外创伤急救和心肺复苏及格率分别仅67.60%和23.23%;自我测评中警务人员除对中毒者的急救完全掌握的人数较多外,对于创伤、心肺复苏、中毒、溺水、中暑急救知识与技能的掌握情况较少;其中66.9%的人没有接受过相关急救知识与技能的培训,5年内接受过急救培训≥2次的人员更只占8.4%。结论我市警务人员对于院前急救知识掌握的程度欠佳,相关培训较少,应加强培训,提高警务人员院前急救知识与技能的掌握情况。 Objective The key to the success of pre hospital care lies in the rapid and accurate implementation of on-site medical rescue personnel. In order to improve the success rate of pre hospital emergency rescue in our city, shorten the e- mergency rescue time, reduce the death rate and disability rate, this study aims to investigate the mastery and training of pre hospital emergency knowledge and skills among police officers in Yinchuanand to analyze the influencing factors, as well asto put forward training suggestions and suggestions on the basis of in-depth analysis, thus to provide reliable basis for improving the success rate of pre hospital emergency care in our city. Methods A new questionnaire was designed according to a questionnaire designed by Li Wentao and part of the 2015 edition of the international CPR guidelines. The questionnaire was divided into general information and first aid knowledge and skills. The general information includespo- lice classification, gender, age, years of service, rank, and the highest degree. First aid knowledge and skills include investigations into trauma first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, drowning, first aid, poisoning, first aid, and heatstroke self-assessment, self-testing and training. The Cronbach' s coefficient Cronbacha of scale = 0. 791. Under the premise of the informed consent of the respondents, 160 police officers in Yinchuan were selected to conduct a questionnaire survey, and a questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the knowledge and skills of first aid among 160 police officers in Yinchuan. Results The rates of hospital trauma emergency and cardiopulmonary resuscitation were only 67.6% and 23.23% respectively. In the self-assessment, the police officers have more control over the first aid to the poisoning vic- tims, and less knowledge about the trauma, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, poisoning, drowning, heatstroke, first aid, knowledge and skills , 66.9% of them had no training in relative emergency knowledge and skills. Those received first aid training more than 2 times within 5 years accounted for only 8.4%. Conclusion The police officers in our city do not have a good grasp of pre hospital emergency knowledge, and there is fewer related training. Training should be strengthened to improve the knowledge and skills of pre hospital emergency medical personnel.
作者 肖刚 王育寰 王艳荣 XIAO Gang;WANG Yu-huan;WANG Yan-rong(School of Nursing, Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750004, Chin)
出处 《中华全科医学》 2018年第7期1197-1200,共4页 Chinese Journal of General Practice
基金 国家级大学生创新课题(201510752006)
关键词 警务人员 急救知识 院前急救 Police officers First aid knowledge Pre-hospital emergency treatment
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