
安全依恋启动影响社会行为:方法、效果与机制 被引量:9

The Methods, Effects and Mechanism of Priming Attachment Security towards Social Behaviors
摘要 阈上或者阈下的安全依恋启动可以使个体获得暂时的依恋安全感,并对个体的社会行为产生显著的影响。这种影响主要表现在个体会表现出更多的亲社会行为、揭露行为以及更少的欺骗、歧视行为和道德脱离行为。这可能是因为启动激活的依恋安全感迁移至外显行为。脑神经活动是迁移顺利发生的生理基础。今后的研究可以设置更具生态效度的实验条件,以其它社会行为为研究对象,或者结合当前研究提出的迁移视角,进一步探索安全依恋启动对社会行为的影响。 Attachment refers to an individual’s born tendency to seek closeness and protection from the significant people(such as parents, friends, companions etc.). The interaction between individuals and their attachment object gradually internalizes and produces the stable attachment style. Although the attachment style is stable, the individual’s behavior and emotional tendencies are not always expressed as a certain style, but respond to specific circumstances. Researchers found that supraliminal and subliminal priming attachment security enabled people to perceive the temporary security, and had significant effects on the individual’s social behavior. These effects are mainly manifested in the performance of more pro-social behaviors and disclosing, less deception, discrimination and moral disengagement behaviors. Baldwin explained the psychological mechanism of priming attachment security on social behaviors from the perspective of social cognition. They believed that the temporary sense of security suppressed the cognitive processing for negative social information, thus increased the positive behavioral response to situations. However, this statement ignored the effects forming cognitive style and cognitive resource deficit. Researchers suggested a model of Attachment System Functioning and Dynamics to explain the priming attachment security. According to this model, priming attachment security brought about positive self and others’ representations, and priming attachment insecurity brought about negative representations. Then the representations extended and constructed the new behavioral system under various situations. But this theory was limited to explain the specific population. We suggest that priming attachment security is a kind of transfer based on the state security as the psychological aspect and the activation of related brain regions as the physiological aspect. Transfer is a substantive psychological process, which refers to the dependency of human conduct, learning, or performance on prior experiences. Transfer explored how individuals would transfer learning in one context to another similar context – or how "improvement in one mental function" could influence a related one. Priming attachment security activates the safety internal working model following by the positive mental representation of peoples, and transfer to other positive aspects, such as more pro-social behaviors and disclosing, less discrimination, deception and moral disengagement behaviors among individuals with attachment security, while the opposites are in individuals with attachment insecurity. Meanwhile, there may be an inverse migration process for individuals with insufficient experience in security attachment. They acquired attachment security gradually through the observation of positive social interaction presenting by parents, peers and media. In most cases, both the transfer and inverse transfer exist at the same time and contribute to the final attachment style. In the future, researchers may focus on creating more refined and stringent experimental conditions to examine the effect of priming attachment security on social behaviors, such as the ecological validity in daily life situations. The researchers could also try to explore the effects of multiple attachment priming on social behaviors, and the sustainability of these effects. Moreover, it is also worth to pay attention to further clarify the brain mechanisms of the priming attachment security on social behaviors using ERPs, f MRI and other technologies.
作者 张鹏 张斌梅子 邹建科 刘翔平 Zhang Peng;Zhang Binmeizi;Zou Jianke;Liu Xiangping(Faeulty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875;Department of Government, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期615-620,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(14BSH082)的资助
关键词 安全依恋 启动 社会行为 迁移 attachment security priming social behaviors transfer
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