
重庆部分地区牛弓形虫血清流行病学调查及危险性因素分析 被引量:4

Sero-Epidemiological Investigation and Risk Factor Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii from Cattle in Chongqing
摘要 采用分析流行病学的"病例-对照研究"和弓形虫抗体ELISA检测方法,对重庆市牛弓形虫血清流行病学进行调查和危险性因素分析.从10个区县所采集的345份牛血清样本中,共检出弓形虫抗体阳性血清94份,平均阳性率为27.25%(94/345),其中公牛和母牛弓形虫感染的阳性率分别为19.25%(36/187),36.71%(58/158);1岁以上的成年牛和小于1岁幼年牛弓形虫的阳性感染率分别为31.06%(82/264),14.81%(12/81);无犬猫牛场弓形虫的感染率为23.40%(33/141),有犬猫牛弓形虫的感染率为29.90%(61/204).危险性因素分析显示,成年牛弓形虫感染率是幼年牛的2.59倍(OR=2.59,X^2=8.25,95%CI=1.33~1.5.04,p=0.004),表明重庆地区年龄因素对牛弓形虫病流行有中等程度的关联;母牛弓形虫感染率是公牛感染率的2.43倍(OR=2.43,X^2=13.17,95%CI=1.50~3.96,p=0),表明重庆地区性别因素对牛弓形虫病流行有中等程度的关联;有犬猫牛弓形虫的感染率是无犬猫的1.40倍(OR=1.40,X^2=1.77,95%CI=0.85~2.28,p=0.183),表明重庆地区有无犬猫对牛弓形虫病流行有较弱的关联. The objective of this work was to test sero-prevalence of Toxoplasmagondiifrom cattle in Chongqing.A total of 345 serum samples were obtained from 10 districts/counties of the city and tested for T.gondii antibody by ELISA,of which 94 were found to be positive for T.gondii antibody,the average positive rate being 27.25%(94/345).The positive rates of T.gondii infection in bulls and cows were 19.25%(36/187)and 36.71%(58/158),respectively.The positive rates of T.gondii infection in adult cattle(≥1-year-old)and calves(〈1-year-old)were 31.06%(82/264)and 14.81%(12/81),respectively.On cattle farms with dogs or cats,the infection rate was 29.90%(61/204),being higher than that on farms without dogs or cats 23.40%(33/141).Based on risk factor analysis,T.gondii sero-prevalence was found to be in moderate association with the age(OR=2.59,X^2=8.25,95% CI=1.33-1.5.04)and the gender of the cattle(OR=2.43,X^2=13.17,95% CI=1.50-3.96),and in weak association with the presence of cats or dogs(OR=1.40,X^2=1.77,95% CI=0.85-2.28,p=0.183).
作者 王芝英 李楷 孙莹莹 李和贤 杨浩钺 董春霞 凌洪权 姚璐 胡世君 周作勇 WANG Zhi-ying;LI Kai;SUN Ying-ying;LI He-xian;YANG Hao-yue;DONG Chun-xia;LING Hong-quan;YAO Lu;HU Shi-jun;ZHOU Zuo-yong(College of Animal Science, Southwest University, Rongchang Chongqing 402460, China;Veterinary Science Engineering Research Center of Chongqing , Rongchang Chongqing 402460, China;Chongqing Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center, Chongqing 401120, China)
出处 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期8-12,共5页 Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 重庆市社会事业与民生保障科技创新专项资助项目(cstc2015shmszx80020)
关键词 弓形虫 血清学调查 危险因素 cattle Toxoplasma gondii sero-epidemiological investigation risk factor
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