
学校文化氛围对乡村教师工作满意度的影响:教师能动性的中介作用 被引量:36

The Influence of School Culture Atmosphere on the Job Satisfaction of Rural School Teachers:The Mediating Role of Teacher Agency
摘要 该项研究旨在考察乡村教师感知的学校文化氛围、工作满意度与教师能动性之间的关系。以我国五个省份的1402名乡村中小学教师为样本,采用问卷法,调查了乡村教师感知的学校文化氛围、工作满意度与能动性。结构方程模型的分析发现:乡村教师感知的学校文化氛围显著地影响着教师的能动性;乡村教师感知的学校文化氛围与能动性显著地影响着教师的工作满意度;乡村教师的能动性在学校文化氛围与工作满意度的影响关系中表现出部分显著地中介效应,即乡村教师感知的学校文化氛围通过教师能动性间接影响其工作满意度。 The study aims to investigate the relationship of rural teachers perceived school culture atmosphere,job satisfaction,and teacher agency,sampled 1402 rural school teachers from five provinces in China. The results indicated that: rural school teachers perceived school culture atmosphere has significantly positive influence on teacher agency and job satisfaction. Rural teachers perceived school culture atmosphere and teacher agency have significantly positive influence teacher job satisfaction. Teacher agency plays a mediating role in relationship between rural teachers perceived school culture atmosphere and job satisfaction.
作者 贺文洁 李琼 穆洪华 HE Wen-jie;Li Qiong;Mu Hong-hua(Key Institute of Humanity and Social Science, MOE, Center for Teacher Education Research of Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China;Faculty of Education/Capital Institute for Economics of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China)
出处 《教师教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期39-45,128,共8页 Teacher Education Research
基金 教育部普通高校人文社科重点研究基地课题(15JJD880006) 北京师范大学研究生创新创业科研基金项目
关键词 学校文化氛围 教师能动性 工作满意度 中介作用 school culture atmosphere teacher agency job satisfaction mediating role
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