
牛奶凤梨的组织培养及栽培技术 被引量:1

Tissue Culture and Cultivation Techniques of Pineapple Variety Ananas comosus
摘要 本研究通过对牛奶凤梨进行组培快繁及栽培技术进行探索,解决了牛奶凤梨繁殖速度慢且易受环境影响的问题。以牛奶凤梨幼嫩的茎尖,基部作为外植体,结合各项试验设计,着重研究了牛奶凤梨组织培养各个阶段的最佳培养基配方及培养方法,将牛奶凤梨外植体消毒完接种在改良MS培养基上20 d后出现愈伤组织,对愈伤组织进行诱导可获得完整植株。适合牛奶凤梨外植体的消毒方法是在超净工作台上用75%的酒精消毒1 min,无菌水冲洗后,再用0.1%的升汞溶液处理10 min;在6-BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L+2,4-D 0.5 mg/L培养基不定芽诱导效果最好,愈伤诱导率达到77.1%。不定芽增殖的适宜生长调节剂浓度是6-BA 0.5~1.5 mg/L,NAA 0.5~1.5 mg/L。生根阶段以IBA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L的培养基效果最佳,生根率达94.4%。幼苗移栽以草炭:素沙比例为1∶2搭配的基质最为经济且效果较好,成活率达到98%。该方法解决了牛奶凤梨繁殖速度慢的难题,为牛奶凤梨的工厂化生产提供有价值的技术资料和依据。 This paper solved the problem of s low breeding speed and easy to be affected by environment in Ananas comosus through rapid propagation of Ananas comosus and exploration of its cultivation techniques. With the tender stem tips and the base of Ananas comosus as explants, the optimum medium formula and culture method were studied in each stage of tissue culture of Ananas comosus combined with various experiment designs. The callus appeared when the disinfected explants of Ananas comosus had been cultured in the optimized MS medium for 20 days, and the callus could be induced to obtain complete plant. The suitable method for disinfection of the explants of Ananas comosus was as follows: sterilized for 1 min with 75% alcohol, washed by sterile water and treated by 0.1% mercuric chloride for 10 minutes. 6-BA 0.5 mg, L+NAA 0.5 mg/L+2,4-D 0.5 mg/L was the best medium for the induction of adventitious bud, and t he callus induction rate could be up to 77.1%. The suitable concentration of hormone for the development of adventitious bud was 6-BA: 0.5-1.5 mg/L, NAA: 0.5-1.5 mg/L.IBA 0.5 g/L +NAA 0.5 mg/L was the best substrate at the rooting stage, and the rooting rate was 94.4%. The survival rate of transferred seedling reached 98% in the proportion of grass peat: sand of 1∶2, which had the largest economic benefit and best effect. This method sol ved the problem of slow reproduction rate of Ananas comosus and could provide valuable technical data and reference for industrialized production of Ananas comosus.
作者 王立 黄宏健 谭沛涛 陈小玲 胡杨 林健桃 Wang Li;Huang Hongjian;Tan Peitao;Chen Xiaoling;Hu Yang;Lin Jiantao(Xinhui Forestry Science Institute, Jiangmen, 529100)
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期3293-3299,共7页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 广东省江门市科技计划项目(20150030001088)资助
关键词 牛奶凤梨 组织培养 栽培技术 研究 A nanas comosus Tissue culture Cultivation technique Research
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